Florida Atlantic University Graduate Programs

Graduate Programs
We invite you to fully explore the graduate programs in FAU’s eight academic colleges offering graduate degrees. Listed below are the graduate degrees and majors sorted by college.

Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters
College of Business
College of Education
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing
Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
College of Social Work and Criminal Justice


GRE temporarily waived for 2022 applicants to the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters

Department of  Anthropology  
AnthropologyMaster of Arts
Master of Arts in Teaching
School of Communication and Multimedia Studies 
Communication StudiesMaster of Arts
Media, Technology & EntertainmentMaster of Fine Arts
Comparative Studies Program 
Comparative StudiesDoctor of Philosophy
Department of  English  
Creative WritingMaster of Fine Arts
EnglishMaster of Arts
Department of  History  
HistoryMaster of Arts
Department of  Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature 
Comparative LiteratureMaster of Arts in Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature

Teaching of French
Master of Arts in Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature
Master of Arts in Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature
LinguisticsMaster of Arts in Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature

Teaching of Spanish
Master of Arts in Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature
Master of Arts in Languages, Linguistics, and Comparative Literature
Department of  Music  
MusicMaster of Music
Department of  Political Science  
Data Science in SocietyMaster of Science
Political ScienceMaster of Arts
Master of Arts in Teaching
Department of  Sociology  
SociologyMaster of Arts
Department of  Theatre & Dance 
Design and TechnologyMaster of Fine Arts
PerformanceMaster of Fine Arts
Department of  Visual Arts and Arts History 
Studio ArtMaster of Fine Arts
Graphic DesignMaster of Fine Arts
Center for Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies 
Women, Gender and Sexuality StudiesMaster of Arts
School of Public Administration 
Non-Profit ManagementMaster of Non-Profit Management
Public AdministrationMaster of Public Administration
Doctor of Philosophy

Fau Graduate School Requirements

Graduate Admissions

Starting with Spring 2022 term, FAU is utilizing centralized application service (CAS) for graduate programs. To begin your application, based on the graduate program of interest, select the corresponding application button below, create a username and password and complete your electronic application in the CAS system.

Application Information

In preparation for your graduate application, make sure to review the admissions requirements of the program you are applying to on the Graduate Degree Programs page, as requirements and deadlines may vary.

  • Official Transcripts: must be sent from the Registrar of each college you have attended.
    • Transcripts from U.S. institutions or English-speaking Canadian institutions should be sent directly to the centralized application systems (CAS). For more information on how to send transcripts, please visit the Help Center.

Please Note: Applicants who previously attended FAU do not need to send their FAU transcripts.

  • Test Scores: GRE or GMAT may be required by some programs – check for temporary program waiver. If required, you will self-report scores into the Centralized Application System (CAS), but you will need to request your official scores be sent to FAU directly. The FAU school codes are below.
    • FAU’s school code for the GRE is 5229
    • FAU’s school code for the GMAT is 9LX
  • Supplemental Information will be uploaded directly to the centralized application system.

Students Who Attended Colleges/Universities Outside of the U.S.

Non-Native Speakers of English and Students Who Attended Foreign Institution

Qualifications for admission to FAU

To study at a university, you must have a university entrance qualification. In Germany, this is usually the Abitur which means that you have obtained a general qualification for university entrance allowing you access to all subjects offered at universities and institutes of higher education.

However, there are also other entrance qualifications which allow you to study at least certain subjects at a university. Under specific circumstances, people who have completed alternative qualifications (such as the Meisterprüfung or equivalent) may qualify for general university entrance, and qualified professionals may qualify for certain subjects.

At the same time, certain degree programmes require special qualifications such as specific language proficiency

International applicants

Before applying for a place on a degree programme, you must first decide what you would like to study. With over 260 degree programmes to choose from, FAU offers a range of subjects and an interdisciplinary network that are unique in Germany.

Our State Examination and Bachelor’s degree programmes are aimed at those who have not yet completed a degree. During a Master’s degree, students can expand their specialist knowledge and further develop their academic skills. In addition, FAU offers teaching degree programmes (Lehramt) for primary schools, secondary schools (Mittelschule, Realschule and Gymnasium) and vocational schools.

More information about the contents and admission restrictions of all degree programmes at FAU is available in our degree programme catalogue.Expand All

Applications for undergraduate degree programmes (Bachelor’s degree, State Examination)

For prospective international students, the next step of the application process is also dependent on which subject you would like to study (if you do not have German citizenship or a university entrance qualification obtained in Germany). Normally, you have to apply directly to FAU via the campo application portal for all undergraduate degree programmes. The final application deadline ends

  • on 15 July for the winter semester.
  • on 15 January for the summer semester.

Application for the winter semester 2021/22 is possible from April 12, 2021. The application deadline is exceptionally July 31.

Documents to be submitted

After completing your online application, you must print and sign the completed application form (from the campo application portal) and send it by post to our Admissions Office (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Zulassungsstelle, Schlossplatz 4, 91054 Erlangen) with all the following documents:

  • CV (without photo)
  • school leaving certificate (complete certificate)
  • German language certificates (regular copy)

Further documents may be necessary depending on the desired degree programme, your country of origin and your previous education.

  • If applicable: pre-university year certificate (e.g. applicants from Iran)
  • If applicable: university entrance examination certificate from your home country
  • If applicable: assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) for the degree programme in question (certified copy)
  • if you have completed previous periods of study: complete academic report/transcript of records
  • if you have completed a previous degree: degree certificate (e.g. Bachelor’s degree, Diplom)
  • Applicants who have completed previous periods of study in China or Vietnam: APS certificate (original)
  • Applicants from DSDI/DSDII schools in China: confirmation of identity from the German embassy (original)
  • Applicants for Food Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, or Dentistry must submit proof of passing the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber (DSH 2) or an equivalent examination.

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