first year of medical school what to expect

Last Updated on December 14, 2022

Learn all you need to know about First Year Of Medical School What To Expect, what to buy before starting medical school, how to prepare for first year of medical school, list of classes you take in medical school and how to survive first year medical school.

First Year Of Medical School What To Expect

Now we begin with First Year Of Medical School What To Expect, then later on: what to buy before starting medical school, how to prepare for first year of medical school, list of classes you take in medical school and how to survive first year medical school.

The MS1 year introduces you to the building blocks of medicine–the basic sciences. Duke pares these subjects down to the essentials you will need in medical practice. Basic science content is integrated into four interdisciplinary courses enabling students to learn the material within the appropriate context. Clinical Correlations tie basic science content to the clinical context through the use of Team Based Learning. In addition, students will take courses in Clinical Skills Foundation, Inter-professional Education and Leadership.

Two integrated basic science courses provide the framework for your clinical practice. A variety of teaching methods are employed, including the latest technology, as we move towards the “flipped classroom” approach. These four courses include:

  • Human Structure and Function is a 23 week course that integrates Histology, Gross Anatomy, Neuroscience and Physiology.   Runs the first week in August through the third week in January, with a winter break in December.
  • Body and Disease is a 21 week course that integrates Microbiology, Immunology, Pathology and Pharmacology. Runs early Feb through June. Body & Disease includes lectures, labs, Road Shows, Team Based Exercises, Clinical Correlations, Problems in Pharmacology, human simulations and more.

Other requirements during the first year include:

  • Clinical Skills Training Immersion Course (CSTI) is a two-week introductory course which occurs as the first course of the first year of medical school. This full-time course introduces students to basic clinical skills, including history-taking, physical exam, evidence-based medicine, professional identity formation, and point-of-care ultrasound. Instruction consists of small group sessions, large group sessions, and independent study activities. The skills introduced in this course will be further developed and refined throughout the remaining four years of medical school as part of a longitudinal clinical skills curricular thread.
  • Clinical Skills Foundation 1 (CSF1) is a longitudinal course throughout the first three years. In year 1, CSF1 meets 4 hours/week for the entire year and focuses on the doctor/patient relationships, communications, interviewing, physical exam and basic counseling skills. The course includes a Physical Exam intensive in February.  
    Community Partners Program
  • LEAD- Leadership, Education and Development is a curricular thread throughout all four years that focuses on developing critical skills for being a leader in medicine.
  • CDHD – The Cultural Determinants of Health & Health Disparities course introduces students to concepts and research in cultural humility, health disparities, and the sociocultural influences on health and wellness. This course uses reflective writing, lectures, and small group discussion to meet course goals. 

The main features of the Scientific Trunk, which is divided into six blocks, include:

  • Launch orientation featuring M-Home house sorting and Doctoring small group assignments.
  • Foundational courses in molecular/biological sciences, evidence-based care, host defense, physical diagnostics and therapeutics, infection, hematology and immunopathology, along with blocks of fused normal/abnormal vital functions.
  • Chief Concern Course and Interprofessional Clinical Experience.
  • Development of patient care and information management skills throughout the year.
  • Additional longitudinal elements that start at this stage.
  • Histology lab.

The Foundations of Medicine courses make up three of the six blocks during the Scientific Trunk and introduce students to:

  • Biochemical, cellular and molecular process of the organ systems.
  • Physical diagnostics and therapeutics.
  • Immune system and its primary targets.


The three Vital Functions blocks consolidate the foundational material for related organ systems with both normal and abnormal physiology presented at the same time. Combined with related clinical cases, anatomy and histology, this makes for deeply integrated content that reinforces what you learn. Subjects include:

  • Circulation, respiration and filtration.
  • Nutrition, absorption, regulation and reproduction. 
  • Cognition, movement, sensation and behavior.

what to buy before starting medical school

Now we discuss what to buy before starting medical school, how to prepare for first year of medical school, list of classes you take in medical school and how to survive first year medical school.

Top Items To Buy Before Starting Medical School

1. Reliable laptop

This is the most important item! Since you will be spending hours studying and working on your laptop, be sure to invest in a reliable one! Throughout medical school, we are required to bring our laptops to some classes (especially interactive learning sessions). We also use them to take our exams. I personally purchased a new 13′ MacBook Pro at the beginning of medical school and absolutely love it!

2. Stethoscope

Your school may or may not give you a stethoscope (I got one at my white coat ceremony). If they do not, I recommend buying a Littmann Classic III. It’s a great, inexpensive stethoscope that many medical students use. The rose gold MDF Instruments stethoscope is an absolutely beautiful stethoscope! It is a bit heavier than the Littmann but still works well! 

3. Spacious Desk

You’ll be spending a lot of time studying so it’s important you create an inviting study space. Here are some of my favorite, affordable desks! 

4. Ergonomic chair

Again, you’ll be spending hundreds of hours studying on your chair. To prevent back pain, invest in a good one! Here are the ones I have and love! 

5. Good pens and highlighters

6. Professional attire

This is a no brainer. Start building your professional attire now. For women, have a few good blouses and comfortable pants. For men, pants and button-up shirts are the standard.

7. Scrubs

There will be many instances in which scrubs will be necessary during your first year. My classmates and I were required to wear scrubs for the anatomy lab, shadowing, and working in the student-run clinics. While you could spend money on nice scrubs, I recommend starting off with a pair of cheaper scrubs (especially for anatomy where they will reek of formaldehyde after lab). My school also requires us to wear hospital-issued scrubs in certain settings like the operating room. Some students will just use hospital scrubs throughout medical school, so again there is no need to invest in expensive ones! 

8. Laptop and book stands

9. Desk organizations

10. Reliable backpack or bookbag

how to prepare for first year of medical school

Next, we explore how to prepare for first year of medical school, list of classes you take in medical school and how to survive first year medical school.

Challenges in the First Year of Medical School

The process of starting medical school can be exhilarating and intimidating. In addition to the demanding course load, most students will have to move to a new city or state and adjust to a new area.

Unlike college, where students arrange classes and fit in additional activities, medical school is a set schedule designated by the school. Though this can seem like a relief, the schedule itself is very demanding.

The first year also usually consists of the anatomy lab, where med students spend months dissecting cadavers and mastering the anatomy of the human body. Anatomy is a course many med students truly enjoy, but it is exceptionally challenging. Students spend long hours in the lab, including late evenings and weekends.

Consistent with all medical education, the curriculum is faster paced and more demanding than college. However, med schools tend to ease students into this environment, which may involve escalating the coursework and material as the year goes on.

Regardless, first-year med students are busy. In addition to didactic coursework, most often they have clinical skills lessons and frequently also start early clinical activities in emergency rooms or outpatient clinics.

But balance is something that students must begin to learn starting day one of medical school and modify throughout their career.

Medicine is a dynamic field with ever-changing, demanding environments. Each year of medical school has different demands, and so do residency and life as a practicing physician. Students and practicing physicians learn to find balance throughout their careers in order to have a personal life, excel as a physician and still have time to maintain mental and physical health.

One of the most essential aspects of successfully adjusting to med school is establishing a reliable peer support group. Peers in med school can empathetically commiserate with each other and help one another master difficult material. Study groups can be a great way to cover material, but also have fun and interact with others.

In addition, med students should make time for self-care, which includes getting ample sleep, eating healthy, exercising and making time for activities that they enjoy. Though balancing all of these aspects may seem impossible, it is not. Concessions will have to be made – such as less gym time or cutting back on reading nonmedical textbooks – in order to make it through the marathon that is medical training, so students should establish a routine that prioritizes their studies and personal health.

With so many demands and changes occurring at once, here are some ways to maximize the time before starting med school, tips for the first day and advice on how to avoid common medical student pitfalls.

What to Do Before Starting Medical School

Find a place to live. This is easier said than done. Most often, starting med school requires a student to move to a new location. Look into the housing options in the area. Do you want to live on campus? Can you afford a place by yourself? Do you want to commute or be closer to campus?

Familiarize yourself with the area and get a sense of where other students live. Medical schools will often provide housing resources and sometimes share contact information of current students so that you can glean information from them.

Get your finances in order. Many medical students receive significant financial aid during med school and most students do not hold jobs while in school. The first place to start is to talk to the financial aid office at your school. Understand your costs and your options for paying, and learn how to supplement the costs. It is also essential to understand the costs of living in the area and adjust your lifestyle to fit your budget. You may have to give up your daily latte habit in order to afford tuition and other costs, but it is important to understand those dynamics before getting started.

Get your gear in order. Attending medical school, like any academic courses, requires that you have certain things. You’ll need a laptop, a tablet or both. You may need a car or you may be able to walk or bike to school. Are you moving to a furnished place or not? Where will you do laundry? Do you have internet access? Although these things may seem obvious, ironing out all of the details before starting med school will save you stress down the line.

Tips for the First Day of Medical School

Once you have prepared to start medical school, here are some important tips for your first day.

Take a deep breath. The first day of anything can be nerve-wracking, but try to stay calm and go into the classroom with eagerness and an open mind. Before you walk into the lecture hall, take a deep breath and calm yourself. It will be OK.

Make some friends. It might sound obvious, but the people around you are going to be with you through the next four years on this difficult journey. They will be the ones who can commiserate with you but also support you tremendously. Chances are you may have already met some of them through a second-look day or during orientation, so take some time to get to know them. Having a support system in med school will be crucial, so begin cultivating these relationships early on.

Focus and prioritize in class. Most students get overwhelmed with the volume of information presented even on the very first day of class, but this is normal. Medical school is an overload of information, but as you go through your classes, you will understand how to prioritize the material and focus on the appropriate details. For the first day, try to keep up with the lecturer and review the materials in depth after the class.

Get to know your professors. Though this doesn’t have to be done your very first day, getting to know your professors can be a great way to make it through difficult courses. Your professors care about your success, and if you are struggling they can be one of your greatest assets. If you have questions, go to their office hours, ask them after class or send them an email.

Understand that it will seem impossible. The first day of med school, we were told that we would have an exam every Monday. That seemed impossible – to be able to keep up with the material and then be able to master it on a weekly exam. The classes, like the material, initially seem insurmountable, but know that thousands of people have gone through it before you. You are in med school because you have gone through the rigors of a premed track and are specifically qualified to handle med school. It may seem impossible at first, but it is doable.

7 Mistakes to Avoid in the First Year of Medical School

With the stress of demanding courses and establishing yourself in a new environment, you can make some common mistakes during your early years of training. Here are seven common mistakes and how to avoid them in order to maximize time in med school.

Skipping class. Medical schools often record lectures or electronically post the information, and you can be tempted to skip the lectures and just study the material from home. Though this approach works for some, you should at least attend lectures at the start of med school. The first few weeks are a crucial adjustment period, and going to class helps you to get oriented, meet peers and better understand coursework demands.

Cramming. In college, students often are able to pull “all-nighters” – studying only overnight the day before the exam – and still do well. Not in med school. With the vast amount of information, it is not possible to cram it all into just a day or so of studying. The most successful students study the material right after it is presented and consistently review it until test day.

Neglecting self-care. With the ever-pressing demands of med school, students often forget to take care of themselves. This can involve going to the doctor or dentist, taking necessary down time when ill or stressed, or not exercising or eating well. Med school is a marathon, and the only way to make it through is to take care of yourself throughout the process.

Taking on too much. Remember the fire hose analogy? There are many clubs, activities and groups to be a part of in med school, and although it can be tempting to join each one, overcommitting is common. Pick one or two activities that are most meaningful and concentrate on those, and on adjusting to the new environment of med school. In addition, although you may have held a job in college, the extra time commitment and stress of being employed is not ideal during med school. Instead, focus on academics and the extracurricular activities you truly value.

list of classes you take in medical school

More details coming up on list of classes you take in medical school and how to survive first year medical school.

The Ultimate List Of Classes You Take In Medical School (What Doctors Learn & Why)

It can be confusing, given how differently medicine is taught, to understand what it is that med students actually learn on their way to becoming doctors. Schools in different countries (and even those in the same country) like to do things differently. There’s no such thing as a standardized course.

This article takes a look at the types of classes all med students (regardless of what country they study in or where they’re from) are expected to complete. Here you’ll learn:

  • The common subjects doctors study
  • How some programs (country/med school-specific) can be different
  • Why these subjects are important

If you’re a curious patient or future med student, this one is for you.Contentsshow

List Of Classes You Take In Medical School

As an international med student studying abroad, what I learn in medicine can seem, on the surface, to be in direct contrast with med students in the US, UK, Australia, and everywhere else.

I’m on a six-year program compared to the standard 4-year U.S. path. While my program also includes a bunch of electives (Bulgarian language etc) that could be different from med schools in other places.

The differences between what I learn on the road to becoming a doctor and what others (those at other med schools in other places) learn though are only subtle.

Medicine is medicine at the end of the day!

Preclinical Classes

The following list of classes is those med students generally learn outside of the hospital in a lecture or seminar (exercise) format. Most schools teach these on a dedicated campus away from a teaching hospital.

1. Anatomy

The study of the human body. Focusing on the major structures; vessels, nerves, and muscles, etc. Usually includes embryology (development of the fetus), histology (microscopic study of body tissue), and cytology (microscopic study of human body cells).

This is one of the first major subjects taught in med school. It often involves cadaver dissection too.

It’s also commonly taught alongside physiology.

2. Biochemistry

Metabolic pathways, how the body breaks down macromolecules (food) and produces energy, proteins, etc for essential functioning. Touches on nutrition, endocrinology, and more.

Probably one of the hardest subjects in med school!

3. Biostatistics/Epidemiology

How disease is measured, prevented, and controlled in populations. Leans heavily on graphical and data analysis and is usually taught in a way that’s relevant to the country of study.

4Medical Ethics

Healthcare-related ethical questions, the global role of a physician, and the legal boundaries that doctors work in. Again usually taught in a way that’s specific to the laws of the country of study.

5. Immunology

How the body fights disease, learns to build antibodies to invasive pathogens and the factors that damage it. Sometimes not taught as a dedicated class but incorporated into other subjects like pathology, microbiology, etc.

6. Microbiology

The study of the threats to the human body posed by common bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Ways of testing for specific pathogens and how to contain and treat the diseases they cause.


How organ systems function and how the body functions as a whole. Looks at what happens to the body when values and parameters change. Often taught alongside anatomy and sometimes explored further in pathophysiology.

8. Pathology

The signs and symptoms of common disease. How to differentiate them via observation and testing.

9. Psychology

The study of the human mind and its functions. Looks at behavior patterns and related diseases.

10. Pharmacology

Drug treatments and their methods of action in the body. Studies the main characteristics between pharmaceutical classifications and the appopriate methods of dosage.

Depending on the medical school curriculum, these subjects can sometimes be taught across a number of years or only for a single semester. To learn more about the differences between med school curriculums check out; Medical School Curriculum Types (What’s The Best?).

Clinical Rotations/Clerkships

After the preclinical years of med school, med students usually make the step up to hospital-based learning. This is where they’ll rotate around different areas of medicine, learning how medical specialisms work. In the U.S. this occurs during the 3rd and 4th years of med school.

These are the subjects most med schools cover:

  • Anesthesiology: pain relief during surgical operations
  • Dermatology: diseases relating to skin, hair and nails
  • Emergency Medicine: accident and emergencies or unscheduled patient care
  • Family Medicine: healthcare for people of all ages (general practicioner (GP))
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology: care during pregnancy and diseases related to female reproductivity
  • Opthalmology: diseases related to the eye
  • Psychiatry/Neurology: diseases related to the brain and learning or behavioural disorders
  • Pediatrics: healthcare for children and young adults
  • Radiology: imaging techniques for diagnosing disease (X-ray, CT, MRI etc)
  • Surgery: operative procedures designed to treat disease or illness
  • Urology: diseases related to the urinary tract or sex organs

how to survive first year medical school

 Tip 1: Treat medical school like a job.

Just like a real 9-5 job, you wouldn’t leave in the middle of your shift to go to happy hour as long as you promised your boss you’d eventually be back. The same thing goes here.  Have the discipline to make your “study blocks” and stick to that. I promise you’ll stay on top of the material if you do. Imagine medical school being like eating pancakes. Every day you need to eat 3 pancakes. That’s not too much to eat at once, right? Ok, say that you skipped day one so now you need to eat 6 pancakes. Or took a week off for a vacation and now have to eat 21 pancakes. Now the idea of eating pancakes just became stressful, when all you had to do is have the discipline to eat those three pancakes every day, and that would have never built up. The same goes with medical school material (sorry if I ruined pancakes for you forever).

Tip 2: Study to pass an exam before studying to ace it.

Identify the major concepts and the high-yield information first. Then, make sure you absolutely master this before you get bogged down on the tiny low-yield details that comprise the extra 5% of points to earn on the test.

Tip 3: Familiarize yourself with First Aid and/or some form of USMLE Step 1 material from Day 1.

Use Step 1 prep material as a supplement to the lecture material you’re learning. Now I’m not saying start studying for Step on your first day of class, however it’s important to stay familiar with and have down the material that will be tested at the end of Year 2. This will save you time and stress when you start your dedicated studying. Some of the most successful people in my class did this and crushed the NBME’s and will most likely do the same on Step 1.

Tip 4: Be cautious about advice from others.

I know it sounds funny as I’m currently giving you advice, but in the end, take in everything for what it is. Use it to find out what works for you because at the end of the day, all the “advice” you hear is just things that worked well for that specific individual and may or may not work for you. Once you find what works for you, stick with that at all costs and don’t second-guess yourself!

Tip 5: FOMO is a real thing and the ultimate focus killer.

FOMO, an acronym for the ‘fear of missing out’ is more real in medical school than ever. The fear that you’re missing out on some get-together here, or some conference there, does nothing but distract you and take time away from studying–and points away from your exam! Facebook and especially Snapchat are the worst for this in my opinion. You could be very focused while studying and completely killing it, only to take a quick break and see that all your friends are enjoying some happy hour margaritas. Two things might go through your mind: (1) “Why didn’t I get the invite?” and (2) “That looks fun. Come to think of it, I’ve put in enough work today. I’ll just catch up tomorrow.” Consequently, points off your test…plus some extra pancakes on your plate.

Tip 6: Be balanced.

The ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality is the way to go in medical school. Have fun, travel, hike, have a margarita, play music, or do whatever you enjoy! Just be a human, because at the end of the day, you’re going to be fine. Your success is reflective upon your school and your administration knows that, so they will be diligent in helping you to succeed.

Tip 7: NEVER compare yourself to others.

Focus on you, and you only.  So many people I’ve talked to said this was by far the biggest anxiety-inducer in their first year. Take studying with a classmate for a biochemistry exam, for example. Your classmate could be rambling on about some insane new research on an enzyme and listing 20 different things about it, then you find out he knows this because he’s personally doing research on it and none of that information is relevant in any way to what you need to know. If you’re not careful, it can make you think that you’re slacking when really, you’re not.

On the other end, don’t get caught up with people calling you a “gunner” or a “nerd” just because you want to stay in all weekend and study (it happens a lot in med school). Do what you feel like you need to do and tell everyone else to mind their business. Just be happy with your work ethic.

Tip 8: Take care of your body.

Your body and mind are one. If you exercise, eat relatively well, and get plenty of sleep, your brain will thank you 1000-fold. One of the things I noticed this year about my upperclassmen friends who scored the highest on Step 1 was that they were constantly in the gym and eating healthily. Overall, they made sure to be in a good place physically and, consequently, mentally.

Tip 9: The more questions you do and review, the better you will perform. PERIOD.

This goes for lecture exams, NBME’s and Step exams (and really any major academic exam). Sometimes people put off doing questions because they don’t feel sufficiently ready and fear that they’ll miss a high percentage of the questions, which will tank their self-esteem. Yes, practicing with questions is an important way to test how well you know the material; however, it’s also vital for learning, retaining, and mastering the material as well. Getting questions wrong early on in your studying is a positive thing as long as you stay consistent in your studying. Review what you get wrong, as well as the concepts behind it, so that you won’t forget. Especially for Step, the more questions you do, the better you will score.

Tip 10: Understand the major difference between working hard and stressing out.

This is the most important cardinal rule or tip of all. You can be a disciplined workhorse without being stressed out. Work hard during your window of study time and then enjoy life and know that you’re doing your best.

Keep these 10 things in mind, and I promise you will not only survive medical school but you will thrive!  Strive to always keep a positive mentality, be a little bit better every day, and most of all, never forget that you are not just a medical student: You are a human being. Good luck!

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