ferris state university occupational therapy

If you are looking for a university in Michigan, you will find that Ferris State University is one of the best occupational therapy universities in the state. The university offers programs in nursing, health care management and other allied health programs.

General Information

Ferris State University Reviews | GradReports

The Pre-Physician’s Assistant Studies program provides a quality Bachelor of Science degree and emphasizes a strong foundation of courses in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, and human physiology and anatomy. Completion of this degree with the recommended courses enhances a student’s application to Physician’s Assistant Programs. Students who don’t wish to enter Physician’s Assistant Studies can consult with their advisor for alternate career paths.



  • High school courses, GPA, ACT or SAT Composite scores, and ACT or SAT Mathematics subscores will be considered in the admission and course placement process.


  • 2.50 Overall GPA (on a 4.00 scale)
  • At least 12 credits, including an English and Mathematics course.

nursing program ferris state university

Why Choose the RN to BSN Completion Degree?

There are many opportunities for nurses with experience and a BSN degree. Traditionally a field that provided a constant number of nursing career opportunities, health care is now growing at an unprecedented rate. The program is for Registered Nurses who were originally prepared at the associate degree or diploma level. Students in the program graduate from various nursing programs across the United States and generally work 30 or more hours per week.  

The program prepare students to make evidence-based decisions that improve the quality and safety of the individual as well as the population aggregate. Students with a diploma or associate degree in nursing and a RN license can complete Ferris’ Bachelor’s degree (BSN) on a part or full time basis. Designed expressly for associate degree and diploma RNs who want to further their educational growth and development.



The Ferris BSN degree equips you with the theory-based knowledge and skills to work in many of the new and expanding fields of nursing. It increases your understanding of illness prevention, health promotion and maintenance, counseling and education and rehabilitative services as they apply to a wide range of patient populations and health care delivery settings.

You will acquire the skills and the self-assurance that will qualify you for diverse career opportunities when you graduate. You will be prepared to lead health care teams, coordinate and plan nursing care for a variety of clients, collaborate with other health professionals, and make confident, independent decisions.

Nurses with BSN degrees typically earn higher salaries than ADN or diploma nurses with the additional opportunities to assume leadership roles in community and health care institutions. The BSN degree also provides the foundation for graduate nursing programs. Advanced practice nurses with education beyond the BSN can earn salaries up to $115,000 per year, depending on the specialty and location of employment.


Lori Jenema, On-line RN to BSN Advisor
College of Health Professions
Ferris State University
200 Ferris Drive
Big Rapids, MI 49307

NURS 300 Pathophysiology in Nursing Practice (Elective Option)

This course examines the pathophysiological alterations that can present in patients across the lifespan from an occurrence perspective to include genetic, acute, chronic, and rehabilitative conditions. The variables that impact the etiology and the human response to various disease states will be explored, as well as the role that nursing plays in supporting patients to achieve an optimal level of wellness in the face of disease states.

NURS 310 Population Based Health Promotion

Introduction to health promotion concepts and change process. Application of epidemiology, health belief and health promotion models in promoting and protecting the health of individuals, families and communities. Focus on population based health promotion using traditional health promotion strategies. Examination of evidenced-based complementary healing methods in health promotion.

NURS 314 Gerontological Nursing (Elective Option)

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the human experience of aging to include the psychological, social, biological, and physical aspects of aging. The student will examine the interaction of cultural, social, and individual aspects of life which shape the experience of aging and later life. Emphasis is placed on aging in the United States and other countries to provide a comparative perspective of culturally diverse groups of the elderly.

NURS 315 End-of-Life Nursing Care (Elective Option)

In this course, the undergraduate nursing student will learn how to reduce the burden and distress of those facing life’s end by obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary to address the many physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs of patients and their families.

NURS 316 Transcultural Nursing (Elective Option)

Experiential immersion in transcultural nursing provides the professional nursing student with the opportunity to study the influence of culture and health policy on the health of populations outside of North America.

NURS 317 Spirituality in Nursing Care (Elective Option)

The focus of this course is on the person as a spiritual being. The relationship between spirituality and health is explored from historical, contemporary, theoretical, and philosophical perspectives. The student examines the impact of his/her spiritual self-awareness on client care. The nurse’s role in providing spiritual care, nurturing the spirit, and integrating evidence based nursing care is emphasized.

NURS 319 Disaster Nursing and Emergency Preparedness (Elective Option)

In this course, the undergraduate nursing student, as an emergency caregiver, will learn how to manage specific disaster-preparedness and response issues. This course is an in-depth study of health consequences of some of the most common types of disasters and how nurses can respond effectively in these emergency situations.

NURS 320 RN to BSN Skill Acquisition

An introduction to the professional nursing role with a focus on nursing and other disciplinary theory bases which have impacted the nursing discipline and practice arenas. The role of the professional nurse is examined in terms of contemporary role expectations and practice settings. Will include content in the areas of the use of information literacy and technology in nursing as well as an introduction to the current professional nursing and IOM standards as a foundation for professional nursing education.

NURS 324 Transition into Professional Nursing

This course is designed to provide the registered nurse baccalaureate (RN to BSN) completion student with an introduction to the professional nursing role with a focus on nursing and related theories which impact the nursing discipline and practice setting environment. The role of the professional nurse is examined in terms of contemporary role expectations as a foundation for generalist nursing practice. Prerequisites: NURS 320 and ENGL 321

NURS 340 Community Nursing

Introduction to the nurse’s role in the delivery of health care to the community as client in a variety of community based settings. Epidemiology, public health issues, community service, and other community related concepts will be addressed.

NURS 440 Leadership in Nursing

Introduction to nursing leadership theories and management principles within the health care environment including management of care, interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical practice, resource management, legal responsibilities, supervision, delegation/referrals, and organizational change and policy formation

NURS 450 Nursing Capstone

Provides a synthesis of professional development including community service, research project, and professional portfolio presentation. Analyze current health care trends and professional issues within the context of nursing practice.

NURS 495 Senior Capstone Leadership Practicum

This final capstone course is designed to provide the baccalaureate nursing student with a leadership practicum experience reflective of a synthesis of cognitive and affective skills acquired in the BSN completion program. Students will integrate knowledge of nursing research, leadership and management, and nursing theories to design, implement, and lead a team project that will improve client outcomes. The leadership practicum will be designed in collaboration with a faculty member and carried out in an appropriate health care or community-based care setting.

COHP 300 Health Information Systems (Elective Option)

This course examines the realm of Health Care Information Systems (HCIS), and will provide the student with the opportunity to develop an understanding of basic information technology terminology, standards and protocols, as well as Local and Wide Area networks and general network typologies. The course will introduce software applications used in HCIS. The student will develop an understanding of the implications of integrated versus interfacing disparate HCIS applications, data base management and patient privacy issues. The course will examine emerging technology in the areas of rural health care, telemedicine, access to Electronic Medical Records, and Regional Health Information Organizations.

COHP 450 Evidence-Based Health Practice

This course introduces the role of the healthcare professional as translator of healthcare research for a basis of evidence-based practice within a collaborative, interdisciplinary healthcare environment. Students will engage in critical evaluation of research, explore the relationship of credible evidence to development of healthcare quality and safety measures, and consideration of healthcare policy and cost effectiveness when implementing evidence-based improvements. Students will employ basic research methods and techniques as part of a limited research project.

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