ferris state university application

Filling out a university application can be quite the tedious task. However, State Application Services at Ferris State University makes it a little easier, with services that are tailored to our students needs.

Complete an Admissions Application

You can apply for admission FREE on-line. Our paper application is available by calling our Admissions Office at 1-800-4-FERRIS. It is recommended that you apply for admission a minimum six to twelve months prior to the semester in which you plan to enroll.

Transfer Application Deadlines

Request Official Transcripts from each institution you’ve previously attended

If you have earned less than 60 semester hours of transfer credit, you must also request that your official high school transcript (or GED) be mailed directly to the Ferris Admissions and Records office. Only transcripts mailed directly from the college, university or high school are considered to be official. Once all these items are received and your file is complete, you can expect to hear from us regarding our admission decision within three to four weeks. Official ACT scores will also be required if you haven’t completed both college-level English and algebra.

Printable Transcript Request Form – used for requesting transcripts from high schools, colleges, and universities other than Ferris.

Arrange for a Campus Visit

What better way to determine if Ferris is the right University for you! Come see first-hand what Ferris has to offer! Weekday and select Saturday visits are available. 

ferris state university application deadline 2021

SemesterDeadline Date
Summer Semester (May – August)April 1
Fall Semester (August – December)July 1
Spring Semester (January – May)December 1

Admission to any semester is subject to earlier closing without notice.

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