executive short courses nz

Short courses

Short courses

Take this opportunity to enhance your capabilities to achieve business and personal growth for you, your teams and your organisation. We offer a comprehensive range of courses to choose from. If you are not sure which course is right for your learning journey – contact our team on 0800 800 875

Short Courses Update – October 2021
Given the ongoing COVID restrictions, and to give our participants more certainty around the delivery of our short courses programme, we have made the decision to offer only online learning for the remainder of 2021.  Where courses are not best suited to online delivery these will be postponed until 2022.

Scheduling of our 2022 programme is already underway and many courses are available for registration now.  Further courses will continue to be added over the coming weeks and months.All Categories Accounting and Finance Communication and Engagement Hot Topics Leadership Development Managing People and Teams Marketing and Sales Online Operations and Project Management Strategy and Innovation     All Locations          Auckland          On Demand          Virtual      

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