elementary schools in nashville

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Nashville, TN Elementary Schools

SchoolTypeStudentsStudent to Teacher RatioFree or Reduced LunchSchool District
Abintra Montessori SchoolPrivate1365.0
Akiva SchoolPrivate745.0
Bailey Middle SchoolPublic40515.092%
Bellevue Middle SchoolPublic65617.551%
Bellshire ElementaryPublic53412.286%
Bordeaux Early Learning CenterPublic
Born Again Christian AcademyPrivate928.0
Brick Church College PrepPublic35817.078%
Buena Vista ElementaryPublic32510.699%
Caldwell ElementaryPublic24210.394%
Cameron College PreparatoryPublic60212.776%
Carter-lawrence ElementaryPublic36611.685%
Cedarcreek Schoolhouse AcademyPrivate49967.0
Charlotte Park ElementaryPublic49113.690%
Children’s House Of NashvillePrivate751.0
Christ Presbyterian AcademyPrivate1,31311.0
Christ The King SchoolPrivate26615.0
Cockrill ElementaryPublic43711.295%
Cora Howe SchoolPublic1044.077%
Creswell Middle Prep School Of The ArtsPublic43320.863%
Crieve Hall ElementaryPublic45515.240%
Croft Middle SchoolPublic70317.670%
Cumberland ElementaryPublic47614.089%
Dan Mills ElementaryPublic53314.049%
Davidson AcademyPrivate66810.0
Donelson Christian AcademyPrivate81812.0
Donelson Middle SchoolPublic72817.364%
Eakin ElementaryPublic59515.437%
East End Preparatory SchoolPublic51436.783%
East Nashville SchoolPublic1,13118.265%
Explore Community SchoolPublic8517.054%
F H Jenkins Preparatory SchoolPrivate269.0
Fall-hamilton ElementaryPublic31311.990%
Franklin Road AcademyPrivate7167.0
Genesis AcademyPrivate11014.0
Glencliff ElementaryPublic45913.990%
Glendale ElementaryPublic42314.47%
Glengarry ElementaryPublic42012.994%
Glenn ElementaryPublic18310.598%
Glenview ElementaryPublic68213.297%
Gower ElementaryPublic72815.848%
Gra-mar Middle SchoolPublic38316.786%
H. G. Hill Middle SchoolPublic62416.472%
Harpeth Hall SchoolPrivate6889.0
Harpeth Valley ElementaryPublic79115.528%
Harris-hillman Special EducationPublic1305.365%
Hattie Cotton ElementaryPublic30810.686%
Haynes Middle SchoolPublic27015.485%
Haywood ElementaryPublic87115.493%
Head Middle SchoolPublic58718.342%
Hermitage HallPrivate1699.0
Hickman ElementaryPublic52914.674%
Holy Rosary AcademyPrivate34814.0
Holy Trinity MontessoriPrivate828.0
Hull-jackson ElementaryPublic50313.775%
Inglewood ElementaryPublic26910.392%
Isaac Litton Middle SchoolPublic48719.563%
Jere Baxter Middle SchoolPublic34912.990%
Jesus Only AcademyPrivate355.0
John B. Whitsitt ElementaryPublic52615.090%
John Early Middle SchoolPublic44812.180%
John Trotwood Moore Middle SchoolPublic63016.338%
Jones ElementaryPublic33614.966%
Julia Green ElementaryPublic49913.012%
K I P P Academy NashvillePublic37520.886%
Kipp Academy Nashville Elementary SchoolPublic18216.597%
Kipp Nashville College PrepPublic27215.582%
Kirkpatrick ElementaryPublic22913.598%
Lakeview ElementaryPublic63911.489%
Lead AcademyPublic4799.674%
Lead Prep SoutheastPublic39215.185%
Liberty Collegiate AcademyPublic46414.086%
Linden Waldorf SchoolPrivate1927.0
Lipscomb AcademyPrivate1,26211.0
Lockeland ElementaryPublic29714.818%
Margaret Allen Middle SchoolPublic47119.687%
May Werthan Shayne Elementary SchoolPublic76415.854%
Mcgavock ElementaryPublic28214.884%
Mcmurray Middle SchoolPublic80117.894%
Meigs Middle SchoolPublic68719.625%
Metro Nashville Virtual SchoolPublic12229%
Mnps Middle School AlcPublic326.497%
Montessori CentrePrivate1380.0
Montessori East – East NashvillePrivate963.0
Moses Mckissack Middle SchoolPublic34913.795%
Murrell SchoolPublic553.491%
Napier ElementaryPublic38812.598%
Nashville Academy Of Computer SciencePublic18016.567%
Nashville Christian SchoolPrivate52411.0
Nashville ClassicalPublic22720.667%
Nashville PrepPublic42916.576%
New Vision AcademyPublic19328.868%
Norman Binkley ElementaryPublic53815.190%
Overbrook SchoolPrivate31511.0
Paragon Mills ElementaryPublic88614.895%
Park Avenue ElementaryPublic45711.795%
Pennington ElementaryPublic32414.156%
Percy Priest ElementaryPublic55416.89%
Purpose PrepPublic25041.774%
Robert Churchwell ElementaryPublic44810.297%
Robert E. Lilliard ElementaryPublic38115.986%
Rocketship Nashville Northeast ElementaryPublic48734.878%
Rocketship UnitedPublic36833.579%
Rose Park Middle SchoolPublic44119.458%
Rosebank ElementaryPublic30913.684%
Ross Early Learning CenterPublic
Schrader Lane Child Care CenterPrivate368.0
Shwab ElementaryPublic32412.096%
St Bernard AcademyPrivate35410.0
St Clement Coptic Orthodox Christian AcademyPrivate2166.0
St Edward Elementary SchoolPrivate33013.0
St Paul Christian AcademyPrivate35812.0
St Pius X Classical AcademyPrivate746.0
Stanford ElementaryPublic40214.446%
Stem Prep AcademyPublic42013.392%
Strive Collegiate AcademyPublic12017.163%
Sylvan Park ElementaryPublic46315.438%
Tenn School For BlindPublic1333.00%
The Covenant SchoolPrivate1529.0
The Ensworth SchoolPrivate1,0738.0
The Oak Hill SchoolPrivate47710.0
Tom Joy ElementaryPublic44813.694%
Tusculum ElementaryPublic71812.495%
Two Rivers Middle SchoolPublic52615.972%
Una ElementaryPublic88914.888%
University School Of NashvillePrivate1,05411.0
Valor Flagship AcademyPublic27321.049%
Valor Voyager AcademyPublic23533.656%
Warner ElementaryPublic36911.995%
Waverly-belmont Elementary SchoolPublic29519.751%
Wayne Reed Child Care CenterPublic
West End Middle SchoolPublic48916.342%
Westmeade ElementaryPublic52114.563%
William Henry Oliver Middle SchoolPublic77617.647%
Wright Middle SchoolPublic77616.787%
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Listed below are all public and private grade schools located in Nashville, Tennessee. Click on the public or private elementary school to view that specific school’s details

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Number of Schools

Number of Schools in Nearby Cities

050100NashvilleAntiochBrentwoodOld HickoryHermitageWhites Creek

Number of Schools in Nashville Compared Statewide


Nashville has 135 school(s)

Student Enrollment

Student Enrollment in Nearby Cities

020,00040,000NashvilleAntiochBrentwoodHermitageOld HickoryWhites Creek

Number of Students in Nashville Compared Statewide


Nashville has 56494 students(s)

Student Teacher Ratio

Student Teacher Ratio in Nearby Cities

13141516Whites CreekNashvilleHermitageOld HickoryAntiochBrentwood

Student Teacher Ratio in Nashville Compared Statewide


Nashville has a 14.7 student teacher ratio

Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage

Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage in Nearby Cities

0%20%40%60%BrentwoodOld HickoryNashvilleWhites CreekHermitageAntioch

Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage in Nashville Compared Statewide


Nashville has a 55.2% Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage

Other Nearby Cities

Nashville, TN56,4940 miles
Whites Creek, TN4445 miles
Hermitage, TN2,57810 miles
Brentwood, TN9,91010 miles
Old Hickory, TN1,94610 miles
Antioch, TN10,32210 miles

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