Right here on Collegelearners, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on elementary schools in nashville, elementary schools in nashville, elementary schools in nashville, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics.
Nashville, TN Elementary Schools
Listed below are all public and private grade schools located in Nashville, Tennessee. Click on the public or private elementary school to view that specific school’s details
If you are looking to move to Nashville, TN consider which grade school your children would attend. Be sure to use the data below to make sure you are relocating to an area with the best possible schools before you look into national moving companies, cross country moving companies, interstate moving companies, or long distance movers. Also be sure to check Nashville, TN job listings if you still need a job in the area.
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Number of Schools
Number of Schools in Nearby Cities
050100NashvilleAntiochBrentwoodOld HickoryHermitageWhites Creek
Number of Schools in Nashville Compared Statewide
Nashville has 135 school(s)
Student Enrollment
Student Enrollment in Nearby Cities
020,00040,000NashvilleAntiochBrentwoodHermitageOld HickoryWhites Creek
Number of Students in Nashville Compared Statewide
Nashville has 56494 students(s)
Student Teacher Ratio
Student Teacher Ratio in Nearby Cities
13141516Whites CreekNashvilleHermitageOld HickoryAntiochBrentwood
Student Teacher Ratio in Nashville Compared Statewide
Nashville has a 14.7 student teacher ratio
Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage
Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage in Nearby Cities
0%20%40%60%BrentwoodOld HickoryNashvilleWhites CreekHermitageAntioch
Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage in Nashville Compared Statewide
Nashville has a 55.2% Free and Reduced Lunch Percentage
Other Nearby Cities
City | Students | Distance |
Nashville, TN | 56,494 | 0 miles |
Whites Creek, TN | 444 | 5 miles |
Hermitage, TN | 2,578 | 10 miles |
Brentwood, TN | 9,910 | 10 miles |
Old Hickory, TN | 1,946 | 10 miles |
Antioch, TN | 10,322 | 10 miles |
View Categories of Schools in Tennessee
Tennessee Schools by City, District, and County
Tennessee Private Schools by Type
- Catholic Elementary Schools in Tennessee
- Coed Elementary Schools in Tennessee
- All Female Elementary Schools in Tennessee
- All Male Elementary Schools in Tennessee
View Elementary School Statistics for Tennessee
Tennessee Public School Statistics
- Public School Enrollment Rankings for Tennessee
- Student/Teacher Ratio Rankings in Tennessee
- Full Time Teacher Rankings in Tennessee
- Free Lunch Assistance Rankings in Tennessee