Doctor Salary In Denmark

Doctor Salary in Denmark is an average of $76,000 per year for medical school graduates. The range of salary is from the lowest paid doctor who earns $79,000 to the highest paid doctor who earns $88,000.

Doctor Salary In Denmark


Your job as a doctor is among the most respected in the world. You dedicate your life to helping people feel better, and that’s something that can never be taken away from you. It’s also a field with extremely high earnings potential, so if you’re smart about how you move forward into your career, it’s possible to earn a lot of money while helping others.

It is your dream to work as a doctor in Denmark? But you want to know more about salary and other benefits for doctors in Denmark.

If you are planning to work as a doctor in Denmark, you want to know more about salary and other benefits for doctors in Denmark.

The salary of doctor is high in Denmark. If you choose to take an internship position at a hospital or clinic, then the average monthly salary will be approximately 120,000 DKK (around $17,500). This is far more than what the average Danish worker earns each month (around 82,000 DKK), but does not include housing and travel expenses which can also add up over time. In general, however, doctors do earn more than most other professions in Denmark because it’s considered excellent work that requires training from university level onwards before one can practice medicine legally.

It’s worth noting that while salaries may appear high compared with other countries such as Sweden or Germany where they often fall below 100k euros per year despite having higher wages than Danish citizens due to their lower cost of living there are still several factors influencing these numbers including working hours which often exceed 40 hours per week due to mandatory overtime requirements imposed by hospitals throughout Europe especially during flu season when there aren’t enough staff available so everyone has extra duties assigned out across departments meaning less rest time between shifts.”

In this article, we will discuss a standard doctor salary in Denmark after tax 2021.

In this article, we will discuss a standard doctor salary in Denmark after tax 2021. The average monthly salary of a physician is 47600 DKK or 50000 DKK depending on the place where he works. The difference between these two numbers can be explained by the fact that some physicians get additional benefits such as free meals at work, transportation and housing provided by the employer which are not included into the salary calculation.

Doctor salary in Denmark varies according to their specialization in the field of medicine.

According to the Danish Health and Medicines Authority, a doctor’s salary in Denmark varies according to their specialization in the field of medicine. The overall average salary for all doctors is DKK 656,869 (approx USD 95,000) per year for full-time equivalent contract (FTE).

On average, specialists earn more than general practitioners when it comes to annual salary. While a GP with experience earns an annual salary of around DKK 728,000 (USD 106k), an experienced specialist earns around DKK 779k ($116k).

The average doctor salary in Denmark is 946,000 DKK per year or 78,000 DKK per month according to the data gathered from different websites.

According to the data gathered from different websites, the average doctor salary in Denmark is 946,000 DKK per year or 78,000 DKK per month. The average doctor salary in Denmark is much higher than the salaries of other European countries such as Germany and France where doctors earn an annual salary of $58,884 and $57,719 respectively.

The highest paying cities in Denmark are Aalborg (1), Copenhagen (2), Esbjerg (3) and Odense (4).

There are many factors that can help you increase your earning potential by a lot.

There are many factors that can help you increase your earning potential by a lot. These include:

  • specialization
  • experience
  • location
  • hours worked and type of employment contract (such as full-time, part-time, etc)
  • type of work (labour or emergency)

Salary of specialist doctors in Denmark ranges between 80000 – 100000 DKK per month after tax.

The salary of specialist doctors ranges between 80000 – 100000 DKK per month after tax. The salary is determined by the level of education, experience and location. Generally, specialists who work in remote areas will receive less money than their colleagues in Copenhagen or other major cities. It should also be noted that some doctors can earn significantly more than these figures as they often have additional responsibilities such as administrative duties and teaching students at medical schools.

Chief physician or consultant can earn up to 118,400 DKK per month after tax.

The average salary for a consultant is 118,400 DKK per month after tax.

The average salary for a chief physician is 118,400 DKK per month after tax.

The average salary for a specialist doctor is 118,400 DKK per month after tax.

The average doctor salary in Denmark is based on existing contracts for doctors and junior hospital doctors at regional hospitals.

The average doctor salary in Denmark is based on existing contracts for doctors and junior hospital doctors at regional hospitals. This means that doctors who are employed by the Danish Regions, or hospital districts, as they are called in Denmark, receive a salary that is calculated by these local entities. The national collective bargaining agreement between the DMF (Danish Medical Association) and Sundhedskartellet (the Danish Nurses Organization) includes an increase of 2% per year on top of inflation until 2020.


According to the data gathered from different websites, the average doctor salary in Denmark is 946000 DKK per year or 78000 DKK per month. The salary of specialist doctors in Denmark ranges between 80000 – 100000 DKK per month after tax. Chief physician or consultant can earn up to 118400 DKK per month after tax. It must also be said that there are many factors that can help you increase your earning potential by a lot.

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