Display Second Highest Salary In Sql

The display second highest salary in sql follows the same pattern as my previous article and continues with creating a SQL statement, creating a stored procedure to run that statement, creating a user-defined function (UDF), calling the UDF and printing out results.

Display Second Highest Salary In Sql


Did you know there are several different ways to get the second highest salary of Employee in SQL? Each way has its own pros and cons, whether it’s how difficult it is to write the code or how well it works with other coding. In this blog post, we’ll break down each method step by step so you can decide for yourself which one is best for your needs. You’ll learn about some amazing tools that will make your job easier, like excluding certain results from a query and sorting results by more than one thing at once!


  • *Note**:
  • Sections might not line up perfectly with sentences; they simply show where you should start and stop writing on each new topic.
  • The goal here is not to write a longer blog post, but rather to make sure that you’re able to cover all relevant information about each topic within the scope of that section.

There are several ways to get the second highest salary of Employee in SQL, here we will analyse them in detail. Select Top 1 Salary from Employee order by Salary desc limit 1; Here, we need to select all records from the Employee table and sort it by Salary in descending order and select top record from there. It is just that this query can be used with any other SQL Query like Left Join, Right join, Inner join etc.

There are several ways to get the second highest salary of Employee in SQL, here we will analyse them in detail. Select Top 1 Salary from Employee order by Salary desc limit 1; Here, we need to select all records from the Employee table and sort it by Salary in descending order and select top record from there. It is just that this query can be used with any other SQL Query like Left Join, Right join, Inner join etc.

  • select count(distinct) employees where salary > (select max(salary) from employee); This is used when we want to find out how many people have higher salaries than our maximum salary employee’s or if someone has a very high salary then what is his name?
  • select a.* where b.id = c.id; To find out if an employee has been assigned any project or not using foreign key constraint

Another way is : Select max(Salary) from Employee where Salary not in (Select max(Salary) from Employee); Here, we will get maximum salary from the table and then exclude that highest salary getting second highest salary.

One more way is : Select max(Salary) from Employee where Salary not in (Select max(Salary) from Employee); Here, we will get maximum salary from the table and then exclude that highest salary getting second highest salary.

This is a good way to find the second highest salary in sql

Third way is : SELECT Salary FROM Employee ORDER BY Salary DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1;

The third way to find second highest salary in SQL is:


This query can be used with any other SQL Query like Left Join, Right join, Inner join etc.

There are different ways to find Nth Highest element in a table using SQL.

There are different ways to find Nth Highest element in a table using SQL.

The first method is to use the MAX() function and then check whether any employee has a higher salary than the maximum value. If so, you need to return its name as it is one of the highest paid employees in your company.

SELECT max(salary) from employee where salary not in(select max(salary) from employee);

You can also use the ORDER BY clause followed by an OFFSET clause:


This will give you all employees whose salaries are equal or less than that of their second highest colleagues’ salaries


The third query is the most preferred out of all as it gives an error if there are less than 2 records in Employee table unlike the first and second queries. Though, all three queries work equally well when we have more than 1 record in Employee table.

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