diploma in reproductive medicine germany

MSc Reproductive & Sexual Health Research

This programme is designed for those interested in acquiring the research skills necessary to conduct policy-relevant research into sexual and reproductive health. It provides a non-clinical foundation in family planning, obstetric health, AIDS and sexually-transmitted infections.

The curriculum has a focus on middle- and low-income settings but also provides excellent training in the principles and methods of research for high-income countries.

This programme is recognised by the ESRC as providing high quality research training and a small number of ESRC scholarships (including 1+3 scholarships) are available to UK or EU residents. These are advertised each year with the LSHTM scholarships information.

By the end of this programme students will be able to:

  • demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of evidence-based approaches to research of reproductive and sexual health issues
  • critically assess and apply these research approaches to inform development, health and social welfare programmes
  • demonstrate a good understanding of the socio-cultural, political and ethical issues surrounding reproductive and sexual health
  • identify and address appropriate research questions in reproductive and sexual health, using methods from a range of public health disciplines
  • demonstrate the ability to carry out key research skills and activities, including literature review, research study design, and critical analysis and application of research findings

Quality sexual health education (SHE) provides students with the knowledge and skills to help them be healthy and avoid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and unintended pregnancy. A SHE curriculum includes medically accurate, developmentally appropriate, and culturally relevant content and skills that target key behavioral outcomes and promote healthy sexual development. The curriculum is age-appropriate and planned across grade levels to provide information about health risk behaviors and experiences. Sexual health education should be consistent with scientific research and best practices; reflect the diversity of student experiences and identities; and align with school, family, and community priorities.

Across states, fewer than half of high schools (43%) and less than one-fifth of middle schools (18%) teach key CDC topics for sexual health education.Source: 2018 School Health Profiles

Quality sexual health education programs share many characteristics. These programs:

  • Are taught by well-qualified and highly-trained teachers and school staff
  • Use strategies that are relevant and engaging for all students
  • Address the health needs of all students, including the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth
  • Connect students to sexual health and other health services at school or in the community
  • Engage parents, families, and community partners in school programs
  • Foster positive relationships between adolescents andimportant adults.

How can schools deliver sexual health education?

A school health education program that includes a quality SHE curriculum targets the development of critical knowledge and skills needed to promote healthy behaviors and avoid risks. It is important that SHE explicitly incorporate skill development. Giving students time to practice, assess, and reflect on skills taught in the curriculum helps move them toward independence, critical thinking, and problem solving to avoid HIV, STDs, and unintended pregnancy.

Broward County Public Schools in Florida has used CDC’s Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) to improve their health education curricula.

We compared our current curriculum with HECAT and made changes and modifications and enhancements based on what we analyzed.Sebrina James, Broward County’s Instructional Facilitator and Sexual Health Coordinator

Quality sexual health education programs teach students how to:

  • Analyze family, peer, and media influences that impact health
  • Access valid and reliable health information, products, and services (e.g., HIV/STD testing)
  • Communicate with family, peers, and teachers about issues that affect health
  • Make informed and thoughtful decisions about their health
  • Take responsibility for themselves and others to improve their health.

What are the benefits of delivering sexual health education to students?

Promoting and implementing well-designed SHE programs positively impacts student health in a variety of ways. Students who participate in these programs are more likely to:

  • Delay initiation of sexual intercourse
  • Have fewer sex partners
  • Have fewer experiences of unprotected sex
  • Increase their use of protection, specifically condoms
  • Improve their academic performance.

In addition to providing knowledge and skills to address sexual behavior, quality SHE programs can be tailored to include information on high-risk substance use*, suicide prevention, and how to keep students from committing or being victims of violence—behaviors and experiences that place youth at risk for poor health and academic outcomes.

7 Courses in Reproductive Medicine 2022

Courses are classes usually taught by a teacher or professor with expertise in the subject. In these academic settings, students often work with classmates, their instructor, and alone to study information that may help lead to career advancement or degree attainment.

What are courses in reproductive medicine? The field is incredibly broad, and courses reflect this. Many courses focus on fertility and new methods of helping individuals start a family, including in vitro fertilization, intrauterine insemination, and embryo screening and freezing. As the world changes, there are also a growing number of classes on the future of genetics and the ethics of reproductive advancements. There are also more traditional options, such as maternal health as it relates to fetal development.

Students of reproductive medicine often learn how to identify challenges and problem-solve in the face of those challenges. This skill is something employers generally value highly. Other skills reproductive medicine develops include research ability and scientific writing, both useful for individuals wishing to enter the medical field.

How much a reproductive medicine course costs depends on where the course takes place, if there is an applicable scholarship, how much materials cost, and whether the course has a laboratory component. The institution offering the course may also base the price on the number of units.

Reproductive medicine is a field that will almost certainly always exist. As such, there are many careers students may wish to pursue upon completion of their coursework. These include reproductive endocrinologist, fertility counselor, genetic counselor, researcher, consultant, clinician, and scientist. Reproductive health centers often need technicians and specimen analysts as well.

Medical schools typically offer classes in reproductive medicine, as do other graduate schools. Sometimes, community colleges also offer a selection. For those who don’t live near these schools and aren’t able to travel, there may be online courses. Search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form.

Course in Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights including HIV and AIDS (SRHR incl. HIV AIDS)

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)Amsterdam, NetherlandsAn in-depth look at important issues and current debates in sexual reproductive health policy, including HIV and AIDS, towards more inclusive and rights-based approaches to sexual and reproductive health.

Women’s Health After Motherhood Course – Trinity College Dublin


FutureLearnDublin, Ireland

Learn how to take care of your physical and mental health after giving birth and feel supported during the postpartum period.


Voronezh State Medical University

Voronezh State Medical UniversityVoronezh, RussiaModern dermatovenerology as a science is based on the latest achievements of various theoretical and practical disciplines (genetics, immunology, biochemistry, internal medicine, etc.) and plays a vital role in a doctor’s training and practice. 

Residency program in Dermatovenerology

Novosibirsk State University

Novosibirsk State UniversityNovosibirsk, Russia

Teaching medicine at Novosibirsk State University was organized on the basis of the Division of Medical Biology of the Department of Natural Sciences.

Course in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights: Organising Effective Responses (SRHResp)

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)Amsterdam, NetherlandsIn this course, participants examine how to improve access to equitable, quality sexual and Reproductive Health/ HIV and AIDS services with a focus on rights, while improving integration of services as well as voice and participation.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Policy, Governance and Financing (SRHR POL)

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)Amsterdam, NetherlandsThis course looks at the key issues in the good governance of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) responses, including HIV, the complex political and financial terrain when developing policies and strategic plans? Maternal health, family planning, adolescent health, abortion and HIV, and the policies and strategies that address these, are among the most internationalized and to some extent politicized of all health issues.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)

Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)Amsterdam, NetherlandsSexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) are a matter of public health and human rights. This course explores the key principles of SRHR through different themes. This course explores the key principles of SRHR through different themes such as sexual health, prenatal, perinatal and postpartum health, safe abortion, sexuality of young people and adolescents, early pregnancy, early marriage and sexual and gender-based violence. The course also discusses ways to improve equitable access to sexual and reproductive health and HIV services for disadvantaged populations, discussing quality, voice, accountability and participation. 

Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare training | e-SRH

Specialist training for doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals

e-Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (eSRH) covers the knowledge base to deliver high-quality healthcare in community settings. It is relevant to healthcare professionals around the world.

The eSRH programme has been updated in 2020 to reflect the latest best practice and ensure alignment with the redesigned FSRH Diploma as well as other FSRH qualifications.

A comprehensive e-learning resource on sexual and reproductive healthcare

Written by leading clinical experts in the UK, this programme covers a wide range of themes, such as contraception choices, sexually transmitted infections, psychosexual medicine and safeguarding. It is packed with interactive features such as video clips, animations and real-life case studies, to support your learning.

e-SRH is relevant to a wide range of healthcare professionals working in sexual health, general practice, obstetrics and gynaecology, including doctors, nurses, midwives, health visitors and pharmacists.

Convenient, easy online access

eSRH is available online so you can study in the workplace, at home or even on the move. The programme has been developed by the UK Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH), part of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare.

Do you work in sexual and reproductive healthcare outside the UK?

Alongside eSRH, the FSRH International Certificate of Knowledge in Sexual and Reproductive Health is a complementary programme specifically designed for healthcare professionals outside the UK.

This 12-month package includes:

  • access to award-winning online SRH content tailored to international audiences
  • an online assessment – with an FSRH certificate available on successful completion
  • affiliate membership of the FSRH for one year – including free access to guidance, standards and many other resources

Advanced Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health

Course overview

This course is intended for health professional, counselors and other professionals working in sexual and reproductive health interventions. Learners will be introduced to the principles, practice concepts of sexual and reproductive health in low resource settings. This course is online and modular in nature. The course duration is12 weeks. Students will be required to submit weekly assignments.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

·         Articulate the determinants of sexual and adolescent health

·         Implement evidence based sexual and reproductive health programs

·         Evaluate effectiveness of reproductive health interventions

·         Influence local policy on sexual and reproductive health

·         Carry out sexual counseling

·         Manage common STIs

·         Understand the sexual and reproductive health needs of the local communities


1.      Introduction to Sexual and Reproductive health

2.      Determinants of sexual and reproductive health 

3.      Contraception

4.      Maternal and newborn health services

5.      Sexual and Reproductive health needs of adolescents

6.      Gynecology

7.      Male and female sexual dysfunction

8.      Sexual assault and sexual violence

9.      Clinical Management of Rape

10.  Reproductive and sexual health policy and governance issues

11.  MISP- Minimum Initial Services Package

12.  Quality of sexual and Reproductive health care

Duration: 12 weeks

Fees: $150

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