Desired Salary For A 17 Year Old

The average salary for a 17-year-old is $9.27 per hour, but there are many factors that can affect this number. A teenager’s job experience, education level, location, and industry all contribute to how much they can expect to make in their first job.

Job Experience

A teenager’s job experience will have the biggest impact on how much they can earn as a first-time employee. The more experience they have with the job they’re applying for, the more likely they’ll be able to negotiate higher pay. This means that someone who has worked at McDonald’s for a few years will likely be able to earn more than someone who has never worked in fast food before.

Education Level

The type of education you complete will also impact how much you’re able to earn in your first job after high school graduation. Those who complete college degrees are typically able to command higher salaries than those who do not. However, these two groups are not necessarily mutually exclusive—some people decide to attend trade schools or other vocational programs after high school rather than pursuing traditional college degrees.


Location is another factor that affects how much money you’ll earn as a teenager entering the workforce for the first time.

Desired Salary For A 17 Year Old

17 year old Salaries

$69,624 avg per year

The average salary for 17 year old jobs is $69,624.*Bottom 10%Bottom 25%AverageTop 25%Top 10%$11,274$16,274$21,274$26,274$31,274$36,274$41,274$46,274$51,274$56,274$61,274$35,228$35,228$48,645$48,645

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