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2022 Top Colleges for Dental Studies in Oklahoma
The Top Colleges for Dental Studies list is based on key statistics and student reviews using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Compare top schools for dental hygienists, dental assistant programs, and dental school training and certification programs. This year’s rankings have reduced the weight of ACT/SAT scores to reflect a general de-emphasis on test scores in the college admissions process. Read more on how this ranking was calculated.
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Program Description
OU’s College of Dentistry offers its students a cutting-edge education in one of the nation’s highest-paying professions, combining instruction in both traditional dental health practices and restorative dentistry. Students get intensive training in implantology, the practice of repairing and restoring the structures of the mouth, and they apply this knowledge during hands-on summer clinical sessions. Clinical instruction takes place at the Dental Clinical Sciences Building, a 112,000 square-foot facility housing some of the finest new technology and equipment for clinical instruction. Studies that give students a thorough understanding of the oral cavity prepare them for careers as solo practitioners, researchers and professors.
Prospective students begin their college career at OU’s Norman campus for general-education study. Students may major in any academic area as OU undergraduates, as long as they take the pre-requisite pre-Dental courses. Students are encouraged to maintain at least a 3.5 undergraduate GPA. OU’s Norman campus offers pre-Dental students the opportunity to become involved in the Pre-Dental Club which will bring in monthly professionals to talk about their practices and experiences in dentistry.br />
After two years of academic work at the main campus, students may apply to the dental program at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Applicants to dental school must have at least 90 undergraduate hours completed at the time they apply plus at least 100 hours of shadowing or hands-on dental experience. Most successful applicants will have received an undergraduate degree prior to starting the graduate program in dentistry. OUHSC’s campus offers students an engaging setting among students and faculty of other health and science fields. Dentistry is a solid career option for prospective students. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, dentistry is the sixth highest-paid occupation requiring a college degree or higher, and the American Dental Association predicts a steady increase in the need for dental professionals in the coming years.
Degree Options
A Dentistry student graduates with a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. If they choose, graduates can pursue advanced training in two master’s degree programs: Orthodontics and Periodontics. Another option is a one-year Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency program.
Interests & Skills
Dentistry students typically have interests in science, communication and health practices. High school preparation should include study in the biological sciences during both high school and the first two years of college. Students with good interpersonal, communication and artistic skills will excel in the program, and business knowledge gives students an extra edge since 80 percent of dentists own their own practices.
Notable Achievements
The College of Dentistry is one of the best schools in the nation for training clinical dentists and is on the cutting edge in implantology, the practice of repairing or inserting dental devices to partially or fully restore the oral cavity. As cosmetic dentistry becomes more and more popular for patients, OU Dentistry graduates will be prepared for the exciting developments in the field.