Dental hygienist salary in Arizona
Dental hygienists in Arizona make an average of $64,000 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This is the national average for dental hygienists. The top 10% of dental hygienists earn more than $87,000 per year, while the bottom 10% earn less than $41,000.
Dental assistants’ salaries in Arizona also vary depending on location. Dental assistant salaries are highest in Flagstaff at $33,000 annually and lowest in Yuma at $26,000 per year.
The average annual salary for a dental hygienist in Arizona is $66,910. This is about $10,000 per year more than the national average for dental hygienists. The highest-paying states for dental hygienists are Alaska, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts and New York. The lowest-paying states for dental hygienists are Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia.
Dental Hygienist Salary In Arizona
How much does a Dental Hygienist in Phoenix, AZ make?
The average Dental Hygienist in Phoenix, AZ makes $68,204, 1% below the national average Dental Hygienist salary of $68,859. This pay is 15% lower than the combined average salaries of other metros Washington, DC, Chicago and Seattle.
Phoenix Average
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Salary Ranges for Dental Hygienists in Phoenix, AZ
The salaries of Dental Hygienists in Phoenix, AZ range from $20,686 to $159,690 , with a median salary of $70,009 . The middle 57% of Dental Hygienists makes between $70,009 and $99,841, with the top 86% making $159,690.
How much tax will you have to pay as a Dental Hygienist in Phoenix, AZ
For an individual filer in this tax bracket, you would have an estimated average federal tax in 2018 of 22% and an added Arizona state tax of 4.24%. After the combined taxes have been taken out, Dental Hygienists could expect to have a take-home pay of $54,977/year, with each paycheck equaling approximately $2,291*.
* assuming bi-monthly pay period. Taxes estimated using tax rates for a single filer using 2018 federal and state tax tables. Metro-specific taxes are not considered in calculations. This data is intended to be an estimate, not prescriptive financial or tax advice.
Recent Salary Records for Dental Hygienist
View the most recent Salary Records anonymously contributed on Comparably.
- A Dental Hygienist reported making $65,000 per year in Bostona year ago · $65,000· Boston, MA
- A Dental Hygienist reported making $60,000 per year in Chicagoa year ago · $60,000· Chicago, IL
- A Dental Hygienist reported making $78,000 per year in New York Citya year ago · $78,000· New York City, NYview more
Quality of Life for Dental Hygienist
With a take-home pay of roughly $4,581/month, and the median 2BR apartment rental price of $1,052/mo** in Phoenix, AZ, a Dental Hygienist would pay 22.96% of their monthly take-home salary towards rent. The average income spent on cost of living excluding rent within Phoenix per month for an individual is $804 , and for a 4-person family $2,953***. This means for an individual, total cost of living is 40.51% of a Dental Hygienist in Phoenix’s salary leaving $2,726 as discretionary income ; whereas for a family of 4, total cost of living is 87.43% of a Dental Hygienist in Phoenix’s salary leaving $576 as discretionary income.
** This rental cost was derived according to an online report at Apartment List
*** Average cost of living was acquired from Numbeo’s Cost of Living Index
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