Covenant College Requirements

Catalogs & Degree Requirements

Beginning with the 2014-15 academic year, the graduate and undergraduate academic catalogs are available online at On the catalog site, use the dropdown at top right to select the desired catalog.

2021-2022 Catalog & Degree Requirements

To view or download a PDF file of any graduate or undergraduate catalog (1956 to the present), visit the Library Archives.

2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog

For Graduate Catalog, select the down arrow at the top right.

Covenant College
14049 Scenic Highway
Lookout Mountain, Georgia 30750-4164
Admissions Office:
Phone: 706.419.1148
Fax: 706.820.0893

Revised July 2021

Our Mission

We challenge one another to explore and express Christ’s preeminence in all things. 

The Covenant College Motto and Logo

Covenant’s motto, “In all things Christ preeminent,” is based on the apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossian church, in which he reminds young believers of Jesus Christ’s central and exalted role in relationship to the created order: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.” (Colossians 1:15-18) Jesus Christ’s status as the firstborn of all creation is the foundation of Covenant’s educational mission, as the College seeks as a community of learning to know and celebrate his preeminence in all dimensions of existence.

There is a long tradition in Western academia of higher educational institutions being represented graphically by a shield bearing heraldic insignia associated with the institution. Covenant’s icon is also a shield, indicating the College’s close affinity with the best aspects of the Western higher academic tradition. However, while other colleges employ a simple shield shape, Covenant’s logo is distinctive, unique to the College.

In the left half of the shield lies an iconographic thistle. Used as a logo from the earliest days of the College, the thistle has a much longer history as the national symbol of Scotland. In the College’s context, the thistle points to the distinctly Scottish heritage of Presbyterianism. But for the Scots themselves it is a reminder of the legendary day in 1263 when the invading Vikings of King Haakon IV stepped on the prickly spurs and cried out in pain, thus alerting the sleeping Scots to their presence. The Norsemen would never rule over or attack the Scots again.

Offset in the right-hand side of the shield is a swatch of Covenant tartan. Many academic shields contain some sort of symmetrical chevron, cross, or division. Covenant, in keeping with that tradition, employs a chevron in its shield. But, as was the case with the shield’s shape, this element strays from the bounds of Western tradition to emphasize again Covenant’s distinct character. The swatch of plaid used for the chevron is derived from the Clergy tartan worn in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by Scottish pastors and employed by the College in various uses since its founding.

Covenant College Courses

Academic Majors & Programs

Graduate School of Education

Undergraduate Departments, Majors, Minors, Certificates, Concentrations, and Programs

Academic Certificates

Arts Administration
Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability
Journalism and Society
Medical Ethics Consultation
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


Art, 2-D Concentration
Art, 3-D Concentration
Art, Art History Concentration
Art, Graphic Design Concentration
Art, Photography Concentration
Art minor
Art History minor

Biblical & Theological Studies

Biblical & Theological Studies
Biblical & Theological Studies, Missions Concentration
Biblical & Theological Studies minor
Biblical Languages minor
History of Christianity minor
Missions minor
Youth Ministry minor


Biology, Biomedical Concentration
Biology, Environmental Concentration
Biology, General
Biology, Health Professions Concentration
Biology minor


Business, Accounting Concentration
Business, Finance Concentration
Business, Marketing Concentration
Sport Management
Business minor
Sport Management minor


Chemistry, Biochemistry Concentration
Chemistry, General
Biochemistry minor
Chemistry minor

Computer Science

Computer Science
Computer Science minor

Economics & Community Development

Community Development
Community Development minor
Economics minor


Education Studies
Elementary Education (P-5)
Secondary Education Certifications through MAT program
Education minor

Engineering 3:2 Program

Natural Science, Pre-Engineering Studies Concentration


English, Writing Concentration
English minor
Linguistics minor
Writing minor

Foreign Language

French minor
Spanish minor

Health, Wellness and Coaching

Coaching minor

History & Politics

History, Art History Concentration
Political Science
History minor
Political Science minor

Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary Studies with Concentrations

International Studies

International Studies


Mathematics minor


Music, Church Music Concentration
Music, Creative Studies Concentration
Music, General Music Concentration
Music, Instrumental Performance Concentration
Music, Music Education (Pre-MAT) Concentration
Music, Organ Performance Concentration
Music, Piano Pedagogy Concentration
Music, Piano Performance Concentration
Music, Vocal Performance Concentration
Music minor


Philosophy minor


Physics minor

Pre-Professional Programs

Pre-Law Studies
Pre-Medical Studies
Pre-Nursing Studies
Pre-Physical Therapy Studies


Psychology minor


Sociology, Family Studies & Social Work Concentration
Sociology minor


Theatre minor

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