Courses Free Online Plant Breeding Course

If you’re interested in plant breeding, or just want to learn more about it, this is the course for you!

This free online course will teach you everything from how plants are bred to the basics of genetics. You’ll learn about the different types of breeding methods (artificial selection, sexual reproduction and mutation), as well as how to identify a trait’s genetic basis.

You can also get an overview of some of the most important plant breeding techniques out there today, like marker-assisted selection and genetic engineering.

The material covered in this course will help you understand why scientists are so interested in plant breeding—and it may even inspire you to pursue a career in plant genetics!

Courses Free Online Plant Breeding Course


Plant breeding, the practice of improving the genetic diversity and traits of plants through various methods, is one of the most important practices in agriculture. Breeders use their expertise to create the plants that are best suited to their environment, while also setting their sights on the future. The online course, “Botany: Plant Breeding,” covers a wide range of topics related to plant breeding and genetics including: The techniques and tools used by breeders

Gene mapping using molecular markers

How to interpret genomic information

Use of genomic data in plant breeding programs

Management of genetic diversity and conservation

This course gives in depth information about a practical career for botany students. It is designed for any student interested in plant science or considering a career as a plant breeder.

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If you want to know more about what this notebook does or how it works, please contact me at my email below.

Plant breeding is one of the most important practices in agriculture. Breeders use their expertise to create the plants that are best suited to their environment, while also setting their sights on the future.

Plant breeding is one of the most important practices in agriculture. Breeders use their expertise to create the plants that are best suited to their environment, while also setting their sights on the future. Plant breeding is a practical career for botany students, as well as anyone who enjoys working with plants and making a difference in people’s lives through agriculture.

The course covers a wide range of topics related to plant breeding and genetics including:

  • Plant breeding
  • Genetics
  • Genomics
  • Gene mapping
  • Management of genetic diversity
  • Conservation

The techniques and tools used by breeders

  • Gene mapping: The process of identifying the location of a gene or series of genes on chromosomes.
  • Genome wide association studies (GWAS): An approach used to identify genetic mutations that are associated with diseases and other phenotypes. It involves testing many SNPs in thousands or even millions of individuals with and without the disease or phenotype to determine which SNPs are associated with it.
  • Genomic selection: A powerful tool in plant breeding that improves yield and quality by selecting genotypes with favorable genetic combinations rather than specific individuals as parents for a given crossbreeding program.

Gene mapping using molecular markers

This section will teach you about the use of molecular markers for gene mapping.

Molecular markers are used to identify the location of genes, and it is also possible to determine their inheritance by analyzing the patterns formed by these markers on chromosomes. These patterns can be used to find out the function of a particular gene or set of genes.

How to interpret genomic information

Genomic information can be used to predict the phenotypic characteristics of a plant. For example, if you have a tomato plant with red fruit, you know that there are genes responsible for that trait. In this case, it is the color gene or genes and they will be present on chromosome 5. If you want to make that same type of tomato again in the future (to maintain consistency in your breeding program) then you would need to save seeds from the tomato with red fruit from chromosome 5.

Genomic information can also be used to identify which genes are responsible for a particular trait. Let’s say that you have two types of tomatoes: one produces large red fruit and another produces small yellow fruit. You want to find out which genes contribute to each trait so that when you’re making crosses between these two plants, all offspring will produce large red tomatoes rather than small yellow ones. To do this, we need our DNA samples from both parents along with their respective phenotypic traits–large red tomatoes vs small yellow ones–and then sequence those samples using Next Generation Sequencing technology (NGS).

Use of genomic data in plant breeding programs

Genomics is the study of genes, their function and expression in a cell or organism. Genomic data can be used for many purposes, including:

  • Identifying genes that control phenotypes
  • Identifying genes associated with a trait
  • Identifying genes associated with disease

Management of genetic diversity and conservation

This course will provide you with the knowledge of managing genetic diversity and conservation of different crops.

The section covers:

  • How to manage genetic diversity in seed banks?
  • How to manage genetic diversity in gene banks?
  • How to manage genetic diversity in tissue banks?

This course gives in depth information about a practical career for botany students

This course gives in depth information about a practical career for botany students. It covers a wide range of topics related to plant breeding and genetics. You will learn how to perform specific breeding activities, such as selecting plants with desired traits, producing hybrid seeds etc., using modern techniques like marker assisted selection (MAS) or advanced molecular techniques. In addition, you will learn basic concepts in statistics covering quantitative inheritance as well as methods used in plant breeding such as pedigree analysis and estimating breeding values through extensive crosses etc.

The course is free but registration is required before joining it because we want your experience to be safe and secure while learning online at Udemy! It’s available online but also downloadable if you prefer that option instead! The course is Self Paced so you can work according to your schedule! All knowledge levels are welcome from beginners all the way up through experts; this isn’t just for Biology majors either – anyone interested can benefit from taking this course no matter what subject(s) interest them most about genetics/plant science 🙂


This course is a great way to learn more about how plants are bred and the science behind it. It’s not just for those interested in becoming a plant breeder; it will also be useful for gardeners who want to know more about genetics and how genes affect plant growth.

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