Courses Free Behaviour Management Courses For Teaching Assistants

Behaviour Management Courses For Teaching Assistants

Behaviour management is an essential part of being a teaching assistant. If you’re looking for some good courses to help you learn more about behaviour management, check out our free behaviour management courses for teaching assistants. In these courses, you’ll learn how to work with children who have different learning needs, as well as how to identify those needs and how to support students in their development.

The first thing we recommend is our free course on the history of early childhood education, which will give you all the background information you need on the evolution of early childhood education and how it’s changed over time. This will be useful if you’re new to the field or if you want some context for where we are now as an industry.

The second thing we recommend is our free course on working with children with special needs, which will teach you about different disabilities and what kinds of strategies teachers can use when working with students with those disabilities. This includes things like visual impairment or hearing loss, but also includes physical disabilities like cerebral palsy or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). You’ll learn about specific strategies that can be used in classrooms with students who have these disabilities, including things like audio books

Courses Free Behaviour Management Courses For Teaching Assistants


We are continually seeking ways to improve the service we provide to schools across the county and as part of this, we have produced a number of courses specifically designed for teaching assistants.

Please see the downloadable Courses information sheet and poster below.

Please see the downloadable Courses information sheet and poster below.

All of these courses are available to download for free and you can use them however you like.

Courses Free Behaviour Management Courses For Teaching Assistants

We have designed the courses to help you develop your understanding of behaviour management strategies and improve your ability to deliver them effectively. The courses will provide you with the skills you need to manage behaviour effectively in your classroom.

The courses are also ideal for teaching assistants who want to support teachers with classroom management, but may not have been trained in this area themselves.

We are continually seeking ways to improve the service we provide to schools across the county and as part of this, we have produced a number of courses specifically designed for teaching assistants.

As a teaching assistant, you are an important part of the school team. It is crucial that you have all knowledge and skills required to be able to support your class and colleagues. Behaviour management is one such skill and it is essential that teaching assistants have an understanding of this area in order for them to help children learn well.

In our free online courses for teaching assistants, we will walk you through practical ways in which we can help improve behaviour management within your classroom. Whether it’s dealing with difficult situations or managing behaviour within the classroom – there’s plenty here for you!


Also, if you would like any further information on these courses please do not hesitate to contact the Training Team on 01245 517517 or email

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