College of Veterinary Medicine, Western Visayas University

College of Veterinary Medicine, Western Visayas University

College of Veterinary Medicine, Western Visayas University (CVMMWV) is the only veterinary school in Western Visayas and the only state university in the region. Established on June 27, 1972 by virtue of Republic Act No. 6442, its main campus is located in Jaro Plaza, Iloilo City. CVMMWV offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs with a total enrollment of approximately 1,200 students. It has about 150 faculty members composed of both full-time and part-time instructors.

The College offers Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Medicine (BVSc) major in animal health technology and animal production technology; Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology (BVTech); Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM); Master’s degree programs: Master of Science in Animal Health Technology (MS AHT) and Master of Science in Animal Production Technology (MS APT). The College also offers postgraduate courses: Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine (DVM).

College of Veterinary Medicine, Western Visayas University

The Iloilo Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) was organized on February 10, 1962 by a group of veterinarians who had been practicing in the province. This association grew rapidly and in 1963, it was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as the Iloilo Veterinary Medical Association, Inc.

On May 22, 1964, the Board of Directors decided to apply for a permit from the Bureau of Private Schools, Department of Education to open a veterinary school in Iloilo City. The application was approved and granted on June 12, 1966 by the Bureau of Private Schools under permit number P-814. The school was given permission to operate as a non-sectarian institution offering courses leading to Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (B.S.Vet.)

On December 16, 1970, Dr. Herminio G. de Leon was appointed Acting President of the school upon the resignation of Dr. Valeriano Bantolo who assumed duty at the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI). One month later, Dr. De Leon resigned as Acting President and Dr. Pablo Garcia became acting president until March 11, 1971 when he was officially elected as president of VMSI-Iloilo City Foundation Incorporated (VMSI).


If you’re looking for a veterinary school in Iloilo, you’ve come to the right place.

The University of the Philippines – College of Veterinary Medicine is one of the top schools in the country. It offers a five-year course leading to the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM). The college also offers other graduate programs including Master’s degrees in Animal Nutrition and Animal Breeding and Genetics.

The College has six departments: Animal Health Management, Clinical Pathology, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy, Laboratory Animal Medicine, Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Preventive Veterinary Medicine.

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