Certified Nursing Assistant Requirements in Nevada
The Nevada State Board of Nursing credentials the state’s Certified Nursing Assistants. CNAs must complete training programs, pass competency evaluations, and clear criminal background checks.
Training Requirements
In most cases, candidates must complete state-approved nursing assistant training programs. A training program must meet OBRA (Omnibus Reconciliation Act) requirements. The minimum program length is 75 hours. Other requirements are described in the CNA Model Curriculum (http://nevadanursingboard.org/licensure-and-certification/how-to-apply-for-certification)
Click here to learn about Nursing Assistant programs as well as additional entry to nursing and health care programs in Nevada.
Candidates can also be approved for testing based on nursing education. In order to be approved based on nursing education, the individual must complete fundamentals of nursing.
The Board imposes a time limit. If a candidate is applying by examination, training is considered valid for only two years.
Cna Programs In Nevada
The Examination Process
Nevada nursing assistants take the Nursing Assistant Competency Exam; it is administered by Prometric. The exam has two components: knowledge and practical skills. The knowledge examination is computer delivered; test takers have the option of taking it as a written or oral examination.
The practical skills examination involves carrying out a sampling of actual nursing assistant duties, for example, feeding someone a snack, measuring their pulse, and/ or moving them from the bed to a wheelchair. Some skills are performed on a mannequin, others on an actual person (anther test taker). The actual skills a candidate must perform will vary from administration to administration. A clinical skill checklist can be found on the ‘Nevada Nurse Aide Exam’ page of the Prometric site.
Candidates must be granted permission to test from the Board of Nursing. The Board will communicate eligibility to testing centers. Prometric advises candidates to confirm their eligibility three weeks after application submission.
Once approved, the candidate will contact a testing center. Currently, the examination is administered at three colleges in three different Nevada cities: Reno, Las Vegas, and Elko. Upcoming test dates are posted on the Prometric website (https://www.prometric.com/en-us/for-test-takers/pages/locate-a-test-center.aspx?Type=locate). Examinations are typically administered once per month. Candidates testing in some locations may have the opportunity to take the written portion of the examination on a walk-in basis. They can receive up-to-date information by contacting the schools that offer the state exam.
Fees vary by testing site. Currently, the Reno site (Truckee Meadows Community College) charges $135 for the full exam. It costs $90 to retake the skills exam and $45 to retake the knowledge exam (http://www.tmcc.edu/certified-nursing-assistant/). The examination costs $120 at the College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas (http://sites.csn.edu/health/nursing/cnacg.pdf). The fee is $90 for the skills examination and $30 for the knowledge examination.
Test takers will receive score reports for the knowledge examination the same day they test. They may or may not receive skills test results the same day; this depends on the individual testing site.
Examination and scheduling policies may vary from site to site. Truckee Meadows has provided the following information (http://www.tmcc.edu/certified-nursing-assistant/faq/).
A test taker who fails one of the two tests will retake only the failed one. A maximum of three attempts is allowed. The candidate will need to pass both within a year of application.FIND SCHOOLSSponsored Content
Cna Programs In Nevada
Criminal Background Check Requirement
Nevada requires fingerprint-based criminal background checks. In-state candidates may opt for Livescan (electronic) fingerprinting. Candidates who have their fingerprints made in the traditional way can opt for a local law enforcement agency or private fingerprinting agency. However they will need to use the correct card (Form FD-258). This must be obtained from the Board of Nursing.
The Board will send fingerprint cards out with application forms. Candidates have the option of including the completed card with the application. If the candidate downloads an application and sends it without a card, the Board will send a card. Candidates who submit fingerprint cards to the Board will pay $51.25 for processing.
Applicants who use Livescan will pay fees at the Livescan center. They are directed to send a copy of the receipt to the Board.
Nevada fingerprinting sites are listed on the website of the Department of Public Safety (http://beltca.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/beltcanvgov/content/Documents/Forms/FingerprintingLocations-beltca.pdf).
The Application Process
Newly trained assistants submit their applications to the Board of Nursing before examination. Applications can be downloaded from the Board website (http://nevadanursingboard.org/licensure-and-certification/how-to-apply-for-certification). Candidates can also request them by telephone.
Examination candidates must document education. Documentation may be a certificate of completion from a state-approved CNA program or a nursing transcript showing fundamentals of nursing.
A prospective CNA must read the following three documents before application:
- Nevada CNA Skills Guidelines
- Nevada CNA Model Curriculum
- Advisory Opinion for CNA Hours of Employment
All three documents can be found on the CNA application page of the website of the Board of Nursing.
Applicants are cautioned not to send supporting documentation before the application form.
A $50 fee is to accompany the application.
The Board notes that the timeline varies as information must be received from third parties. However, certificates can generally be issued within a week of the time that all documentation is in. Certification status is verified online.
Out-of-State CNAs
Out-of-state CNAs must send endorsement forms to each state where they have held certification. Some states may charge a fee. The Nevada Board advises CNAs to call their registries and ask about requirements; a list of phone numbers is included in the application packet.
The out-of-state CNA will also include copies of both the training certificate and the out-of-state nursing assistant certificate. The Nevada Board will require documentation of having worked as a nursing assistant in a licensed facility during the previous years; documentation may be a W-2, pay stub, or letter on official company letterhead.
Nursing assistants may be issued temporary certificates pending results of the criminal background check.
Becoming a CNA is a fast and relatively straightforward way for interested candidates to get into the healthcare industry. Within the next decade, the population of Nevada will age considerably, so the need for CNAs will grow by a significant percentage. There will be many facilities that need and demand qualified CNAs. Those who complete state-approved CNA classes are positioned to do very well in the healthcare job market.
Nevada requires some requirements to be met in order for candidates to begin their careers. In order for CNAs to work long-term, they should be trained and have passed the Nevada Nurse Aide Exam.
Nevada CNA Certification Requirements
Some prerequisites must be met before interested candidates start work as CNAs. In order to apply for a program, CNA students ought to be:
- Able to read and comprehend English very well
- Have a high school diploma
- Be at least 17 years old
- Have a criminal background check with no outstanding offenses
- Have proof of immunization
- Negative TB and drug tests
- Have a physical exam
- Be able to lift up to 40 pounds without any help
Nevada CNA Classes & Testing Costs
In order to gain full certification as a CNA in Nevada, you must undergo some state-approved program. Classes is usually consist of 18 units and should take at least 75 hours to complete. At least 60 hours should be devoted to classroom learning. At least 15 hours should be devoted to gaining hands-on clinical experience. After the program is completed, graduates are prepared to pass the Nurse Aide Exam.
Certification for CNA work may vary in costs. Classes offered at community colleges tend to charge high fees. Additional costs may be incurred from uniform fees, texts, or lab equipment. The average cost of CNA education is about $800. Some establishments sponsor classes for students. For employer sponsored CNA education options in Nevada, click here.