How much do people at Christiana Care Health Systems get paid? See the latest salaries by department and job title. The average estimated annual salary, including base and bonus, at Christiana Care Health Systems is $132,559, or $63 per hour, while the estimated median salary is $132,499, or $63 per hour.
At Christiana Care Health Systems, the highest paid job is a Group Product Manager at $226,023 annually and the lowest is a Customer Service Manager at $37,000 annually. Average Christiana Care Health Systems salaries by department include: Operations at $102,948, Legal at $195,802, Product at $159,157, and Marketing at $109,890. Half of Christiana Care Health Systems salaries are above $132,499.
20 employees at Christiana Care Health Systems rank their Compensation in the Top 50% of similar sized companies on Comparably (based on 60 ratings) while 18 employees at Christiana Care Health Systems rank their Perks And Benefits in the Top 50% of similar sized companies on Comparably (based on 19 ratings).
Salaries contributed from Christiana Care Health Systems employees include job titles like Customer Service Manager and Desktop Support. Comparably data has a total of 2 salary records from Christiana Care Health Systems employees.
Average Compensation
Median Compensation
* Estimated salaries
Christiana Care Health Systems Salary Averages By Department
AdminBDCommunicationsCust. SupportDesignEngineeringFinanceHRITLegalMarketingOperationsProductSales$0$50k$100k$150k$200k
Recent Christiana Care Health Systems Salaries Anonymously Contributed
Posted more than 30 days ago · IT Department
$62,000 Salary + BonusCustomer Service ManagerPosted more than 30 days ago · Customer Support Department$37,000 Salary + Bonus
Christiana Care Health Systems Salaries By Department (14)
Product Department
$159,157 Avg. total comp.
I am applying for the position of RN at Christiana Hospital. I have worked as an emergency room nurse for the past ten years and would love to work in this department at Christiana Hospital. I am very passionate about my job and enjoy working with the staff and patients at Christiana Hospital. I feel that I would be a great fit for this position because I have experience in the area and know how to handle various situations that may arise while working in this department.
A lot of people are asking about the salary at christiana hospital. The answer is that it’s not as good as you’d think. In fact, it’s pretty bad.
The average nurse at christiana hospital makes an average of $32,000 a year. That’s not even enough for them to pay their bills! So how do they deal? They work overtime and go into debt in order to live their lives. It’s not great, but we’re working on making changes so that nurses can earn more money and have more control over their schedules.
When you realize that the RN salary at Christiana Care Health System is only $14 an hour, you might feel a little off-put by their six week, unpaid training program. To make matters even worse, the employer requires graduates to work for them for three years before qualifying for this low-earning benefit package. There are plenty of other options out there for nurses looking for reliable medical insurance benefits in Delaware and Pennsylvania, so be sure to constantly research what other places have to offer before committing yourself to something like this.
Engineering Department
$141,623 Avg. total comp.
Marketing Department
$109,890 Avg. total comp.
Design Department
$115,730 Avg. total comp.
Operations Department
$102,948 Avg. total comp.
Admin Department
$60,442 Avg. total comp.