Cgpa To Gpa Converter

We’ve seen a lot of people looking for a Cgpa to Gpa converter.

It’s hard to believe that in this day and age, there are still so many people who don’t know how to convert their GPA.

Don’t worry! We’re here to help you get your GPA up and running again.

Here’s what you need:

1) A calculator (we recommend a TI-83 or TI-84)

2) A pencil or pen (any kind will do)

3) Your transcript (your official transcript)

4) A piece of paper (a sheet of paper will do just fine)

5) And last but not least…the internet!

Cgpa To Gpa Converter


CGPA to GPA conversion is used for the international conversion of marks, where CGPA is the average of all semester grades and GPA represents 0-4/0-5/0-10 point system. You can also use this calculator to convert your CGPA to a percentage scale.

For example, in India and Pakistan we have different grading systems than in Europe or USA. In India and Pakistan, I get my CGPA on a scale of 4.00 but I want to convert it into the GPA which is on the US scale like 5.00 or 10.00 how do I do that? Well here’s an easy way you can convert your CGPA into GPA using our Cgpa To Gpa Converter!

Cgpa To Gpa Converter

Cgpa to gpa converter has been designed for students and education professionals. It can convert any CGPA from 4.0, 5.0 or 10.0 grade system to GPA in a few seconds. This tool is used for converting any grade into GPA in different countries like US, UK, AUS etc..

You can also use this calculator if you want to know how much CGPA you need to get certain grades such as 3rd class honors degree or 2nd class honours degree?

Now easily convert your CGPA/CGPA from any grade system to GPA from 4.0, 5.0 or 10.0 grade system using our cgpa to gpa converter

Now easily convert your CGPA/CGPA from any grade system to GPA from 4.0, 5.0 or 10.0 grade system using our cgpa to gpa converter.

We have provided the best cgpa to gpa converter for all the students and teachers who want to convert their CGPA into grades from other systems such as 4.0, 5.0 or 10.0 grading systems:

  • Convert your CGPA/CGPA from any grade system (1-10, A-F) into GPA (4-5) and vice versa with our free online calculator;
  • Calculate your over all weighted average in any course;
  • Find out how much percentage you scored in each subject of your degree course with this free online calculator tool (cgpa calculator).


CGPA to GPA converter is a great tool for students who want the best possible outcome from their educational efforts. This tool allows you to quickly and easily convert your CGPA/CGPA from any grade system into GPA 4.0, 5.0 or 10.0 grade system using our cgpa to gpa calculator

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