Careers with service dogs

Careers with Service Dogs is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization based in California with an office in Washington DC that provides disabled veterans, individuals with disabilities, working dogs and training apprenticeships.

People with disabilities are often the best advocates for their own needs. They may find it difficult to get help from others. Sometimes, a well-trained service dog can make all the difference. Service dogs can be trained to help with a wide variety of disabilities, including:

Most people understand the benefits of having a service dog in a work or educational environment. Here are some other places you might not have considered:

Careers with service dogs

Service dogs are helpers, just like the humans they serve. They are a necessity to any human companion with a disability. Contrary to popular belief; however, service dogs aren’t all restricted to being “guide dogs,” neither do they only work to better the blind. In fact, there’s a growing number of service dogs out there working for human companions with disabilities as varied as autism and diabetes.

If you spend your days braving the big, bad world outside, you know that career opportunities for people with disabilities are limited. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

What does a typical day of work look like for someone with a service dog? We asked several people with disabilities and their service dogs about what life is like after training.

If you are considering training as a service dog handler and pursuing a career in this field, then it is important that you are fully aware of the sacrifices involved before taking the plunge (training takes 18 months to 2 years) and avoid being disappointed later down the line. Since there is not a lot of information out there about working with service dogs for people with invisible disabilities, let me fill you in on some of the basics.

The right dog for you is out there. Whether you choose to work in an animal assisted setting, or simply provide a service dog to someone else, don’t forget the important role that service dogs play in the lives of their owners.

Finding a stable job with room for growth is challenging, but many companies are opening their doors wide for those with disabilities. Businesses like Wal-Mart, L.L. Bean and UPS have recently taken steps to improve their policies and facilities to accommodate the needs of their disabled customers and employees. However, these new policies mean that promising disabled applicants may no longer be denied jobs because of past mistakes or a condition they cannot control. Employers should continue to make accommodations for individuals’ disabilities in the workplace to promote a positive environment that encourages acceptance and diversity.

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