Careers with a felony background

Today many employers will not hire someone with a felony background. You may have just found yourself looking for a job after spending time in jail. If you do manage to secure a job then chances are your paycheck will be at or slightly above minimum wage. But this doesn’t mean you should write off your future job opportunities forever, because there are jobs available to those with felony convictions.

If you are a felon and want to get out of the cycle of Felony, Prison, Repeat, I’ve got some great news for you. As a felon myself, I know how difficult it is to find employment and even more challenging to obtain a career that can lead you up the ladder of success. Let’s take a look at some careers that have high hiring rates for felons!

Careers with a felony background

A felony background is one of the more challenging aspects of job searches. Many employers won’t even consider a candidate with a criminal history and this can affect your ability to secure employment. However, we offer some tips on how to make yourself more marketable and allow you to have the best chance at landing your ideal job.

Overcoming a felony conviction can be difficult. But with dedication, education, and training, workers with criminal records can be equipped to thrive in the workforce and find meaningful employment. The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that in 2010, there were 3.8 million individuals with felony convictions living in the community, up from 2.8 million in 2003 (Dept. of Justice, 2012).

Many people have a felony conviction on their record. Their lives have been forever changed because of the circumstances they were placed in or the decisions they had to make at the time. They now live with a criminal conviction on their record, making it hard for them to find jobs or housing, gain education, and vote – among many other restrictions.

If you’re a convicted felon, don’t think your career options are limited to manual labor. In fact, there are plenty of high-paying careers where your past won’t count against you. To learn more, check out our infographic detailing the top 5 high paying jobs and how to obtain them!

Naysayers may have a lot to say about people with felony convictions. But we should remember that every person deserves a second chance after having been rehabilitated. As an employer, casting out those who have tried to make the right choice is unfair and narrow-minded. It will only hurt your business in the long run. As long as you can trust that the people on your team are trustworthy, then it shouldn’t matter what their past might be. Give them a chance, and they will show you how much they deserve it.

Almost all employers run background checks on job applicants. But in reality, they don’t want to hire someone with a felony conviction, which can create a dilemma for ex-offenders trying to rebuild their lives. This article will give you what you need to know in order to successfully change your life, find employment and lead a better future.

Most states prohibit people with criminal records from obtaining professional licenses for certain careers, including the license for teaching. But the laws about this vary from state to state. The driving force behind such restrictions is a desire to protect children and school staff from adults who might be dangerous. Convicted felons are not always dangerous, however, and there is currently no way of telling which ones deserve a second chance and which never should be allowed back into the classroom.

A felony may seem like a setback that is insurmountable to your career path. However, with the proper guidance and support from a few caring people, it is possible to achieve your career goals. Do not underestimate the power of community in helping you reach those ambitions.

In the end, the biggest drawback to this career path is the lack of opportunity for future growth. If you’re someone who isn’t interested in high-level positions, and is satisfied with what you’re doing now, then this job may be just right for you.

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