Careers with a bachelors in english

Your career options with a bachelors in English are diverse. It is often mentioned as an excellent foundation for a career in editing and editorial positions, public relations, technical writing, journalism, creative writing and more.

Bachelor’s degrees in English provide you with the opportunity to explore various aspects of literature, language and writing. With a degree in English, you can look forward to positions as creative writers, editors or technical writers where your strong knowledge of language and aptitude for storytelling will be highly valued. Below is a list of positions that our students have found through internships and job-search services:

So you’ve just graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in English. Now what? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. A lot of recent graduates are probably looking for the same thing…an entry level job.

Careers with a bachelors in english

The difference between a bachelor’s degree in English and one in English with a concentration in writing is a big one. If you don’t find that difference intriguing, then you’re probably not the kind of person who would work well at this job.

You’ve finished your degree and are now trying to figure out what you want to do with it. Should you stick around campus for another internship, or get a job before you graduate? How about something completely different from what you studied?

While there are plenty of jobs available with a BA in English, some other disciplines allow you to get your foot in the door at larger, more competitive companies. Overall, it might be best to pursue a second major or double-major if you are interested in the career path offered by the first degree. Best of luck!

While a career in writing for the web is not limited to any particular degree, such as a bachelor’s in English, getting a formal education in this field can provide you with more options and opportunities. However, there are many benefits to be had from an English major that can inspire students and recent graduates to consider this field as an attractive career choice. Studies have shown that English majors are able to effectively communicate their thoughts both orally and through writing, which will come in handy when attempting to prove themselves useful members of any online writing team.

Good news for anyone who has ever taken a course in intro to literature: there are a lot of things you can do with your English degree. The possibilities are endless, with so many jobs and opportunities out there just waiting for you to pursue them. You will finally be able to make money writing without it feeling like a hobby.

If you are passionate about writing, want to work with a wide variety of topics, and love being able to help people in a wide range of situations, then careers in freelance writing may be the perfect fit for you. You can choose to write fiction and nonfiction articles, or you could get into ghostwriting and book writing. The options are endless when you have this sort of training from an English degree, so take advantage of it!

Programs in communication or English online and with a degree in English may lead to careers like teaching, writing, editing, or journalism.

A degree in English can lead to a variety of careers, including positions in education and publishing, and can offer several other advantages over many other degrees. Follow this link for more information about the types of jobs and salaries associated with a degree in English.

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