Careers for the undecided

When you’re in your first year at a university where they don’t offer you a clear cut degree plan (like me!) then figuring out what you want to do can be incredibly difficult. I’ve been pondering this very question myself recently and decided to put together this guide on career paths for the undecided. It’s focused on my own experiences of trying to work out what I wanted to do with my life and what sort of jobs I wanted to apply for. Hopefully it’ll help you too!

At some point in your life, you’ve probably asked yourself the question: What career path should I take? No wonder, as both purpose and jobs are becoming increasingly rare commodities.  Yet they remain two of the most important dimensions of an adult’s well-being.

Here are a few potential career paths you can consider if you’re not sure what to do with your life. Healthcare, IT, and education are good fields to consider.

Careers for the undecided

As we enter the final stages of the current academic year, many begin to wonder about the road ahead. As well as completing our studies, we are faced with the question of what job in the future will lead us down a happy path that also meets our criteria. There are many paths we could take from here on out: travel around the world, start a business, get that dream job…

Have you ever wondered what you should do after college? I know that a lot of my friends have. Some want to work in the family business, some want to find a job straight out of college, and a handful want to start their own company. I currently don’t have a plan for my future.

Not sure what career path you should focus on? Take my quiz to find out!

Undecided about your major? Have you decided to go to college and not entirely sure what you want to do with your life? Then check out our list of careers for the undecided. They’ll help you avoid wasting time on a degree you don’t want, and make a more informed decision about the career path that you do want.

Curious to see what all is available in terms of design careers? There are far more options than you might have imagined. We’ve compiled a list of the best careers that you can read about below as well as a few brief insights to each, including how much they generally pay.

The good news, though, is that your chances of getting a job are high. Since most people don’t know what they want to do with their lives, chances are you stand out. Here are a few tips to help you make yourself stand out:

As the semester wound down, I began to search for jobs in which I could use my love of design but also incorporate creativity and humor without having to conform to a specific set of rules. I have not succeeded in finding one yet, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t. In the meantime, being an optimist, I think to myself, “Maybe tomorrow will be better.”

The world has changed since our parents were our age. The economy is nowhere as cut and dry as it once was, and the competition for a good job is fiercer than ever before. In an ironic twist of fate, young students seeking a promising career might find themselves in the same position their parents once were: in the dark about what to do after college.

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