Careers for the creative mind, who is it for? A careers site for those with creative minds — such as makers, crafters, do-it-yourselfers — who might lack the traditional educational background of a career in business or marketing. Targeted towards those with strong critical thinking skills and a passion for working with self-initiative; those who want to take their capabilities to the next level.
Do you operate with razor sharp focus, an eye for design and an insatiable need for tinkering? Chances are that if your career field requires these skills (and many do), then you may be in the creative field.
Are you a creative person? Have you been struggling to find your dream job? Or maybe you’re still in search of a better career. Whatever the situation may be, there’s good news on the horizon. There are many soft skills required to be successful in today’s workforce and creativity is one of them. Find out how you can turn your creativity into a job
Careers for the creative mind
Like your work to be inspired and original? Are you one of the 29 million people in the UK who do creative work? Whether you’re in graphic design, teaching, marketing, or any other profession, I see two paths available to a creative person: Become a freelancer, or find a job in a creative field. For freelancing, take advantage of the ever-growing freelance industry whose forecasted to be worth $108 billion by 2020. There are many ways you can make money as a freelancer (like owning your own freelance business) but for this article we’ll concentrate on finding creative jobs.
The creative industry is booming, but what else do you need to know when considering a job in advertising, design or marketing? I’ll tell you why…
We all know that a career in graphic design has its advantages, but most people don’t understand just how lucrative it can be. As you can see, there is no shortage of prestigious careers that the right training and education (and hard work!) can get you into. Just remember that whatever your creative mind dreams up, there’s someone out there ready to help you bring it to life!
There are opportunities out there, especially if you look in the right places. Don’t be afraid to try something new, to relocate, or to reinvent yourself. If you find that you hate your current job and can’t stand the thought of commuting to a cubicle every morning, then perhaps the solution is to change your own career path rather than sit around waiting for someone else to provide alternatives for you. As a creative person, your options for careers may be limited or seem nonexistent, but don’t be discouraged! There are always ways that we can innovate and make things happen. You just have to go out and find them.
Are you a creative problem solver who likes to bring your ideas to life through your hands? Are you constantly thinking up new ideas and figuring out how to make them a reality? Do you have a knack for solving others’ problems while coming up with new ones of your own? If this sounds like something you excel at, we encourage you to read on.
Not everyone is cut out to become an entrepreneur. Taking a position with a creative recruitment agency gives you the benefits of working independently without the stress or risk of setting up your own business. And even if you’re not passionate about recruitment as a career, you may find something else that piques your interest. Creative professionals possess many assets, and it’s likely that there are other opportunities out there waiting for you to discover.
Like many fields, the field of graphic design isn’t limited to jobs in the field of editorial or print design. Graphic designers are needed in a wide variety of areas, from advertising to healthcare and beyond. If you’re interested in contributing to an organization in a unique way, do some research online about various fields that might be a good fit. As long as you think you’d be good at the job, there’s no harm in giving it a shot!
Creatives have the opportunity to be a part of the mass communication process, whether through the development of advertising campaigns or the writing of new content. Regardless of the position, companies that employ creative professionals benefit from their contributions every day.