Cardiac sonographer salary in tennessee

Cardiac sonographer salary in Tennessee

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for cardiac sonographers in Tennessee is $63,000 per year. This figure includes both hospital and outpatient center-based cardiac sonographers.

Cardiac sonographers are responsible for conducting diagnostic tests on patients in order to view images of their heart muscles and valves. This can be done using either ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Cardiac sonographers work in a variety of settings including hospitals, outpatient centers and physician’s offices. Some cardiac sonographers also provide consulting services to physicians who may be performing heart examinations on patients at their own office

Cardiac sonographer salary in tennessee

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average cardiac sonographer salary in Tennessee is $67,010 per year.

The median hourly wage for cardiac sonographers in Tennessee is $36.00.

Cardiac sonographers in Tennessee earn an average salary of $66,700 per year, but they can make $75,000 or more in some areas.

The highest-paying cardiac sonographer jobs are in Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro–Franklin and Pulaski County. Cardiac sonographers working in Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro–Franklin earn an average of $75,850 per year, while those in Pulaski County earn an average of $72,990 per year.

Cardiac sonographers in Tennessee earn an average salary of $72,000 per year. The highest-paid cardiac sonographers in Tennessee make $108,000 or more per year. The lowest-paid cardiac sonographers in Tennessee earn $44,000 or less per year.

Cardiac sonographers in Tennessee can expect to earn between $48,000 and $78,000 a year. The average cardiac sonographer salary in Tennessee is $55,000 per year.

In order to become a registered cardiac sonographer in Tennessee, candidates must get a degree in ultrasound technology. This requires taking the medical field courses in anatomy, physiology, and embryology along with the course work in radiography. The CAAHEP accredited program ensures that students are receiving up-to-date information from their instructors. Students will learn by using actual equipment to take an EKG, ultrasonography and do diagnostic imaging.

 The annual salary for a cardiac sonographer will vary based on their experience and the location in which they are employed. In most cases, however, these professionals can expect to enjoy a solid middle-to-upper income status. Experienced sonographers can earn salaries in the six figure range, as long as they work in one of the many metropolitan areas where salaries are above average.

According to the salary data compiled by Payscale, the average wages for a Cardiac Sonographer is $64,406 annually (Table 2). This makes it about $4,000 more than what someone would make in a standard office job. Keep in mind that if your Cardiac Sonographer experience and skills are proportional to the years spent working in this field then you are likely to be provided with much higher pay as well as more responsibility. The more experience you have at a specific company the more money your employer will likely pay you since they have already determined you have valuable skills.

Medical Services Salaries in Springfield, Toledo, and Knoxville—the industry’s the same in all three cities.

In practice, these basic skills are all that’s needed to demonstrate competency, and the exact details will vary depending on the field of Ultrasound. There are, however, some basic principles that apply.

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