Cancer Biology Phd Program Rankings

There are many rankings of PhD programs in the field of Cancer Biology. Some rankings are based on the quality of faculty, some on the quality of research conducted by students, and others on a combination of factors.

For example, the National Research Council ranked the top 25 universities with doctoral programs in cancer biology in 2012. The ranking was based on peer review from 110 professors at these universities and included both quantitative and qualitative data. The top-ranked school was Harvard University, followed by Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University.

Another ranking was done by U.S. News & World Report based on academic reputation, student selectivity, financial resources and other factors. The top-ranked school was Harvard University again; second place went to Duke University; third place went to Stanford University; fourth place went to Johns Hopkins University; fifth place went to Washington University St Louis; sixth place went to Cornell University; seventh place went to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; eighth place went to New York University (NYU); ninth place went to Northwestern University; tenth place went to Yale University; eleventh place went to Vanderbilt

Cancer Biology Phd Program Rankings


The Cancer Biology Graduate Program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) is one of the most highly regarded cancer graduate programs in the country. The program provides exceptional training to students interested in pursuing cancer research careers in academic, public health, governmental or private institutions. QUICK LINKS Graduate Application Information Cancer Biology Handbook Find Faculty Mentors

The Cancer Biology Graduate Program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) is one of the most highly regarded cancer graduate programs in the country. The program provides exceptional training to students interested in pursuing cancer research careers in academic, public health, governmental or private institutions. QUICK LINKS Graduate Application Information Cancer Biology Handbook Find Faculty Mentors.

The Cancer Biology Graduate Program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) is one of the most highly regarded cancer graduate programs in the country. The program provides exceptional training to students interested in pursuing cancer research careers in academic, public health, governmental or private institutions.

The UNLV Cancer Biology Graduate Program was founded in 1998 and has since grown into a leading research center with over 50 students enrolled annually across multiple departments. The program has an excellent record of producing competitive candidates for postdoctoral training as well as successful applicants for competitive fellowships and grants from leading funding agencies such as NIH and SBIR/STTR.

The UNLV Cancer Biology Graduate Program is housed within two schools: School of Life Sciences & Biotechnology and School of Dental Medicine (DMD). Both schools offer outstanding educational programs which prepare you with core skills necessary for success throughout your career path whether it be academia or industry; providing a broad educational foundation in biology while specializing unto themselves through classes specific to each discipline – including genetics/genomics/proteomics/bioinformatics; immunology; neuroscience; physiology; biochemistry & molecular biology.-

The Cancer Biology program at UNLV is an interdisciplinary research and training program that offers Ph.D. degrees emphasizing cancer biology research and education among faculty members from multiple departments in the School of Medicine and Boyd School of Law.

The Cancer Biology program at UNLV is an interdisciplinary research and training program that offers Ph.D. degrees emphasizing cancer biology research and education among faculty members from multiple departments in the School of Medicine and Boyd School of Law.

  • Program Benefits:  The Cancer Biology program at UNLV offers a unique educational experience for students interested in understanding how cancer develops, as well as developing ways to prevent it or treat it more effectively. The program’s strengths include unique training opportunities for graduate students with diverse backgrounds, including law students who will be trained in cancer research alongside medical students and other health-related professionals; an emphasis on mentorship as an essential component of graduate training; opportunities to work closely with faculty members whose research interests align with a student’s dissertation topic; extensive funding opportunities through competitive grants from private foundations; funding available through state funds such as Nevada Biomedical Research Fund; strong international connections within the field of cancer biology (including partnerships with institutions overseas); departmental support from dedicated administrative staff members who provide guidance throughout each semester until graduation.* Program Goals: By joining UNLV’s nationally ranked Cancer Biology doctoral program, you’ll gain knowledge about the fundamental mechanisms that regulate normal cell function—and how those same mechanisms are disrupted when cancer occurs—while also gaining hands-on experience conducting independent research projects under supervision by qualified mentors.* Requirements: Students must meet all admissions requirements set forth by the Graduate College before applying.* Benefits: There are many benefits associated with earning your doctorate from our departmental program including membership into national organizations such as Sigma Xi Society (Science), American Association for Cancer Research (Medicine), Association Of American Medical Colleges (Health Careers) etc…

Cancer Biology Handbook

The Cancer Biology Graduate Program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) is one of the most highly regarded cancer graduate programs in the country. The program provides exceptional training to students interested in pursuing cancer research careers in academic, public health, governmental or private institutions.

Cancer Biology Handbook: A Guide for Students and Faculty by BK Dutta (2000). The Cancer Biology Handbook was written by Dr. BK Dutta after he completed his postdoctoral work at Yale University School of Medicine on peptide growth factors and their receptors in cancer cells. In this book he covers a wide range of topics including: role/significance of cell surface receptors as targets for therapeutic intervention; tyrosine kinase inhibitors; signal transduction pathways relevant to tumorigenesis; deletions and translocations associated with malignancy; angiogenesis; immunology related aspects such as immune surveillance against tumors & immunodeficiency diseases associated with cancers; genetic instability & carcinogenesis along with clinical applications like gene therapy etc.,

Find Faculty Mentors

As a graduate student, you’ll be looking for a mentor to help guide your research and career path. The cancer biology Ph.D. program provides opportunities for students to find mentors in their program or on campus through the cancer biology handbook and faculty directory.


The Cancer Biology Graduate Program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV) is one of the most highly regarded cancer graduate programs in the country. The program provides exceptional training to students interested in pursuing cancer research careers in academic, public health, governmental or private institutions.

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