The average annual salary of a California elementary school teacher with a masters degree is $58,850 for 2015-16 according to Districts see huge disparities in average salaries due to a variety of factors including but not limited to geographic location, cost of living and the number of district employees with masters degrees.
A well-known fact is that the average salary of a public school teacher in California with a Masters degree is $62,616. The starting salary for a college graduate teacher trainee with a Bachelor’s degree is $41,924.
California elementary school teacher salary with masters degree
If you are contemplating California Elementary School Teacher Salary with Masters Degree, then there are some things that you need to take into consideration. When it comes to jobs in teaching and education, California has always been one of the top states in the country.
The average salary for a California elementary school teacher with a Master’s degree or higher is $64,682. This averages to $34.32 per hour. Half of all elementary school teachers in California make between $48,000 and $75,909
Learn more about the Average Elementary School Teacher Salary by Degree . Take a look at West Valley College online education degree programs available for you.
According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, teachers with a Master of Arts have a 10% greater average salary than those with a Bachelor of Arts, while those with a Doctorate or Professional Degree receive 18% more than those with a Bachelor degree.
The math is simple: if you want to get a good job, you will have to pay a private college. Going to an in-state school will save you money as well as more accessible but in the end, you’re still going to be paying for it. But it might still be worth it if the career prospects are high such as working at a fancy law firm or investment bank.