Billing and coding salary in nc
The average salary for a billing and coding position is $70,000 per year. This is the national average for these jobs; however, most people who work in this field earn much more than that. The top 25% of earners make between $100,000 and $150,000 per year. Those in this category are typically working as senior account managers or management consultants. The bottom 25% of earners make between $20,000 and $30,000 per year. These workers are typically technicians or entry-level employees who do not have any experience with coding or billing.
In the state of North Carolina, there are over 28,000 people working as billing and coding specialists. They earn an average of $49,900 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Of these workers: 9,500 earn more than $60K annually; 8,800 earn between $50K and $60K annually; 7,300 earn between $40K and $50K annually; 2,100 earn less than
Billing and coding salary in nc
Billing and coding are two jobs that are commonly combined to create a single position. However, in North Carolina, the two professions are considered different and must be paid separately.
If you’re employed as either billing or coding, you must be paid at least $21 per hour. This means that you should be paid at least $22 an hour if you’re required to do both jobs. If there is a difference between what you’re being paid for one job versus the other (for example, one job is more difficult than the other), then this difference can be taken into consideration when calculating your hourly rate for each position.
Salary is the amount you are paid for your efforts and services. If you are employed at a company, then you will be paid a salary to cover all of your costs of living. However, if you choose to work for yourself, then you will need to bill clients for the services that they hire you for. This is done through billing and coding.
Billing is when you charge clients for your time and services. For example, if a client hires you to do some work on their site, then they will pay you per hour or per project. You then have the opportunity to bill them for this service and keep track of what they owe you in this way.
Coding is similar to billng in that it involves charging clients for your time and services. However, coding is different because it involves creating new websites or programs rather than fixing existing ones like billing does.
In North Carolina, the state minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.
The rate of pay for coders in North Carolina is $19.00 per hour.
In addition to the usual benefits, coders receive paid time off and a 401(k) plan.