Best residency programs in New York

In 2019 so far, FREIDA™ users have tallied more than 3.5 million views of medical residency programs, sorting the options with numerous filters. The most-used filter narrows residency programs by state.

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Drawn from more than 457,000 pageviews of the 544 New York residency programs, we share the 15 programs that were most viewed by FREIDA™ users looking for details about New York residencies.

For another unique view of which programs are capturing the attention of your peers, check out our list of the 20 most-viewed residency specialties.

Rankings are based on user activity on FREIDA™ from Jan.1–Sept. 30, 2019. To qualify for this analysis, users must have searched by specialty and applied a state or region filter. FREIDA™, the AMA Residency & Fellowship Database®, allows medical students to search for a residency or fellowship from more than 11,000 programs—all accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.

15 most-viewed medical residency programs in New York

  1.  Jacobi Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine Program (Internal Medicine)
  2.  BronxCare Health System Program (Internal Medicine)
  3.  Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (Bronx) Program (Internal Medicine)
  4.  SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn Program (Internal Medicine)
  5.  Albany Medical Center Program (Internal Medicine)
  6.  Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Moses and Weiler Campuses) Program (Internal Medicine)
  7.  Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center Program (Internal Medicine)
  8.  St Barnabas Hospital Program (Internal Medicine)
  9.  Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Wakefield Campus) Program (Internal Medicine)
  10.  Interfaith Medical Center Program (Internal Medicine)
  11.  Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (Beth Israel) Program (Internal Medicine)
  12.  Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai/St Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center Program (Internal Medicine)
  13.  Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center Program (Internal Medicine)
  14.  Brooklyn Hospital Center Program (Internal Medicine)
  15.  Maimonides Medical Center Program (Internal Medicine)

IMG residency in New York State

With more than 1500 matched IMGs yearly, New York is the top IMG-friendly state by the number of international medical graduates. The percent of IMGs varies by specialty. Around 50% for pediatrics, internal medicine, family medicine, and near 70% for pathology. NY state is one of the top friendliest by the percentage of matched IMGs. Around 35% of residents in New York are foreign medical graduates.

New York residency requirements for applicant’s medical education.

According to PART 405.4 (f) Medical staff, HOSPITALS—MINIMUM STANDARDS of New York Codes, Rules and Regulations. All post graduate trainees must:
a) have less than 12 weeks of clinical clerkships outside of country of graduation that included in the medical school program,
b) have more than 12 weeks of clerkships mentioned in a), but medical school approved by the New York State Education Department.
The list of approved medical schools and other requirements for medical license can be found here.

New York state specific initial medical license requirements.

  • Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS) required for IMGs.
  • Minimum 3 years of postgraduate training required for IMGs.
  • No limit on USMLE number of attempts.
  • No limit on time for completing USMLE examination sequence.

Top 10 IMG friendly residencies in New York


Internal medicine1403511264Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center Internal medicine residency program

—1403521316SUNY Upstate Medical University

—1403521470Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center

—1403521301Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai/St Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center

—1403521305SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn

—1403511283Maimonides Medical Center

—1403511304Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine at Staten Island University Hospital

—1403511263Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center

—1403521254Nassau University Medical Center

—1403531521Jacobi Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Search residency programs by criteria to find all the programs you really need!

Top IMG friendly specialties in New York based on PGY-1 main residency Match statistics

Top IMG friendly in New York by number

  1. Internal medicine (776 IMGs)
  2. Pediatrics (188 IMGs)
  3. Family medicine (128 IMGs)
  4. Surgery (87 IMGs)
  5. Psychiatry (74 IMGs)
  6. Pathology-anatomic and clinical (53 IMGs)
  7. Emergency medicine (49 IMGs)
  8. Neurology (27 IMGs)
  9. Obstetrics and gynecology (26 IMGs)
  10. Anesthesiology (20 IMGs)
Most IMG friendly specialties in New York by percent matched PGY-1

Top IMG friendly in New York by percent

  1. Radiology-diagnostic (100% IMGs)
  2. Pathology-anatomic and clinical (67% IMGs)
  3. Internal medicine (50% IMGs)
  4. Family medicine (48% IMGs)
  5. Pediatrics (45% IMGs)
  6. Child neurology (33% IMGs)
  7. Neurology (32% IMGs)
  8. Surgery (32% IMGs)
  9. Psychiatry (28% IMGs)
  10. Obstetrics and gynecology (14% IMGs)

best residency programs in the world

Top Medical Residency Programs

School NameLocation
Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore, MD
Stanford UniversityStanford, CA
University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA
University of WisconsinMadison, WI

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