The bachelor’s degree is slightly more common than the associate’s. And while that may seem logical, as you’re getting a full stack of information, it is not always the case. Many schools simply offer degrees that are less challenging. Today we are going to talk about some of the best careers that you can make a living with a bachelor’s degree.
Education is an important factor in becoming successful and having a good job. People who have higher education are more likely to earn more money, and also have a greater chance of being promoted, as opposed to others who may be working years longer than others. In today’s society, it isn’t enough to just get your high school diploma or GED. Increasingly, you need to follow up your secondary education with a bachelor’s degree or higher in order to apply for the best jobs.
Best careers with bachelor’s degree
A bachelor’s degree allows you to gain that all-important foothold in any potential industry or profession. It helps you develop the skills you need to advance up the career ladder and earn more money, making this the best choice for most students. Even better, many popular bachelor’s degrees have wide-ranging career options available to graduates. For example, your accounting degree could also help you become a CPA if you decide that auditing isn’t for you. While a business management or marketing degree has limitless professional applications as well, including becoming a self-employed consultant if things don’t work out with a major company. Finally, the flexibility of having a bachelor’s degree means that your education never has to end. Even if you start on a course of study at a later age than usual (or pursue an online program), a bachelor’s will give you even more opportunities down the road.
Whether you’re interested in teaching, composing, or providing leadership to students, online bachelor degree programs can help you start your career and pursue a higher education. There are many different fields that require a bachelor’s degree and these course options can open the door to nearly endless possibilities.
For example, a student interested in science may want to consider chemistry, drug development and forensic science while a student in the arts can look into careers in fashion, photography and interior design. The possibilities are endless and could also involve an associate’s degree. After all there is more than one way to achieve your dream job.
Make a Plan: You should have a solid idea of what you want to study and be aware of your target audience. Most employers seek people with knowledge that is directly applicable to their business. Make sure the program your choose will provide that knowledge.
The world is such a big and diverse place, filled with dozens of wonderful places to visit, learn about, experience. Although you could pick up skills for numerous careers on the road, these 5 mentioned above are a great way to start. Of course, there’s a lot more than this world has to offer, so whether you choose one of these 5 or another, our best advice is simply: explore the world!
Overall, the trend is not great for those of us looking to enter the job market. The graphic does give a nice high to low ranking for each degree, but there are a few issues. First, it does not account for the possibility that there are more people with bachelor degrees in some fields than others. And second, there is no way to tell what types of job positions are being counted. For example, I’m pretty sure that a chief technology officer (CTO) at a non-profit would look pretty good on a resume compared to a human resources (HR) manager at the same place.