The year 2012 was the last for Babe Ruth in the major league. He was still signed by New York Yankees and played 54 games with 30 hits and a batting average of .179. During that season he made $80,000 along with a team bonus and stock award of $6,000. This boosted his year 2012 baseball salary to $86,000.
Babe Ruth, by all measures, was the first American sports superstar. In 1921 he signed a contract with the New York Yankees that paid him $75,000 per year, the highest salary ever earned by any athlete up to that point in history. As baseball’s best pitcher and hitter, Ruth’s earnings were not just bad news for opponents — they were bad news for all other ballplayers. Over the next decade, baseball salaries skyrocketed thanks to the “Sultan of Swat.”
Babe ruth highest salary
Wow, life after baseball. It’s hard to imagine Babe Ruth’s straggley hair and three-hundred pound figure becoming an executive for the Boston Red Sox. In fact, it’s difficult to picture anyone on the Red Sox payroll corp. as a fat man, or even one much thinner. However, that is not why this ad was so successful. This ad was intended to make most of the American public aware of who Babe Ruth was and what he had become. No one person knew exactly where he was going but Ruth himself because he wanted to try doing something different with his life. Babe knew his reputation would precede him and it did just that when he became a member of the executive team for the Boston Red Sox starting April 1st 1946 at $100,000 dollars per year (not even close to what he had been making annually in baseball).
When Babe Ruth signed an $80,000 contract in 1925 with the New York Yankees, he was making more than his manager Miller Huggins. A lot more.
Babe Ruth is one of the most legendary baseball players of all time. If you are interested in more Babe Ruth facts, please check out our other Babe Ruth blogs. We hope you like them!
Babe was the first home run record holder for fifteen years. He has 714 homeruns. Babe born in 1907 died in 1948. He played in the big leagues for 22 years.
The Babe played for the Boston Red Sox on his first day in the big leagues, batting cleanup and hitting a home run. Years later he said, “I knew right then I had to get a shave.”
In 1920 Ruth signed a five year deal for $8,000 (future inflation value in today’s money about $160,000) per season with the Red Sox. This was back in the days of the reserve clause when players had no choice but to sign with the team who held their contract. Thus, George Herman Ruth was a Boston Red Sox for life!