Average weekly salary in mexico

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $27.77 USD.

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $8.21 USD.

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $193.

The average monthly salary in Mexico is $1,200. The average hourly wage is $0.66 per hour.

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $131.50 USD.

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $625.

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $550.

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $8,530. This includes the base salary, which is $1,210 per month.

Average weekly salary in Mexico is $346.

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $858.

Average weekly salary in mexico

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $508.00 USD, with a minimum wage of $81.68 USD and a maximum wage of $1,000.00 USD per week.

The average weekly salary in Mexico is $580. That’s about 80% of the US average.

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