Average truck driver salary in usa

The average truck driver salary in usa is $73,633 a year. Salaries can vary widely based on the region and experience of the driver and whether they are an owner operator or not. A truck driver’s salary can be affected by factors that aren’t job-related, such as the cost of gasoline, tolls, parking and traffic tickets. The income for truck drivers who own their own business is $41,325 per year on average and $101,684 when spread over four months each year.

Did you know that according to the US Department of Labor’s Bureau of Statistics there were 3.5 million drivers – 3.3% more than in 2010 – employed by for-hire trucking firms, including over-the-road companies in 2012? Experience has shown us that when people think about pay, the first figure that comes to mind is usually the “average” or “mean”. But is the “average” truck driver salary in USA or anywhere else a good benchmark when you are considering a job?

Average truck driver salary in usa

The average truck driver salary in the US is $47,021 per year or $23.06 per hour. The best salaries are paid in California, where average income reaches $58,480 per year.

In summary, the average truck driver salary in the United States is $39,273. This is a high salary considering that the industry has a high turnover rate , meaning that people are looking for other jobs. However, it should also be noted that most truck drivers’ salaries often go up dramatically with experience and tenure, as well as job title and company.

The average salary for a truck driver varies based on a number of factors, including the industry in which they operate, the size and location of the company they work for, and the amount of experience they have. As one might imagine then there are certain skills that are essential to being a truck driver – namely, driving a large vehicle with a lot of weight behind it safely. This may be challenging enough in itself but it’s made even more difficult when you consider that many truck drivers work long shifts (often 10 hours) five or six days per week which means that you’re getting very little sleep. For this reason alone than many companies are offering higher salaries for those willing to step up to the challenge of long distance trucking. So here’s why if you have ever thought about becoming a professional truck driver you should definitely consider exploring your options as soon as possible:

The results of this research should be seen as speaking for the private truck driver sector. I would assume that the salaries are comparable in other countries, but a little research might prove valuable there. If you are considering a career of truck driving, you might want to consider doing some research on who is offering what kind of salary and compensation plan policies.

A truck driver is an occupation that is dreamed of by many. It’s a job where there are plenty of opportunities for a big paycheck and a great career. However, there are also some drawbacks as well. If you love driving, this may be the job for you.

More than their money, their benefits are often the stars of their truck driving jobs. Some trucking companies use hiring incentives to attract new hires. They can include:

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