Average teacher’s salary in hawaii

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It’s no secret that Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places in the world, but it also happens to have some of the highest average teacher’s salary in hawaii.

The average teacher’s salary in hawaii is $63,400.

The average teacher’s salary in Hawaii is $58,000. Teachers in Hawaii make more than the national average by 12% ($6,000 more).

Average teacher’s salary in hawaii

The average salary for an elementary teacher in Hawaii, who has 1 to 5 years of experience, is $59,818. The average salary for first grade teachers is $58,114, 7th2d grade teachers make about $56,927, and kindergarten teachers earn approximately $55,071 every year. To teach in the state of Hawaii you’ll need a teaching degree from an accredited institution, experience working with children and a TEACHER certification (if applicable).

The average teacher earns $31,890 a year.

This article will guide you how to be a teacher in hawaii, and provides information about hawaii teacher salary.

The average teacher’s salary in Hawaii was $87838 per year—or about $11511 per month. The highest paid teachers were in the metropolitan areas of Hilo, Hawaii Island (HI) at $131999 per year and Honolulu, Hawaii Island (HI) at $123605 per year. On the low end of the scale, teachers made an average of $68818 per year in Niihau Island (HI). The state with the highest number of teachers is California with 146,020; the state with the lowest number of teachers is Alaska with 1,200—that’s a difference of 145,820 teachers!

So how much are you worth? Certainly, teachers have value. The question is, how much are they being paid for it? The answer? Not as much as they should be. How so? Simply because the average teacher’s salary in Hawaii is $54,980. That’s well below the national average, which is just over $56,000. But why exactly is that the case? What is going on with the teachers in Hawaii? It seems like it’s not just a problem localized to Hawaii–teacher salaries throughout the nation have been slowly dropping since the 1970s.

The above chart and table show the average teacher salary of every state in the nation, including Hawaii. The average national teacher salary is $50,100 as of 2011.

Hawaii might not be the best place to live if you’re a teacher and money is your primary motivator, but it doesn’t have to be a bad place to live if you like warm weather, friendly people, and beautiful scenery. If you’re fortunate enough to receive a full pension as well, then your rewards in paradise could last well into your retirement years.

In the end, teachers are important as the ones who are able to deliver the materials for students. At the same time, a good teacher should also be able to provide an environment where students will be able to fully absorb what they have learned and improve their skills as much as possible.

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