The current Wisconsin teacher statewide salary is $54,932.22 per year which means teachers in Wisconsin can pay up to a maximum of $64,000 depending upon experience. The state of Wisconsin has a variety of wonderful and beautiful cities including Madison, Green Bay, Marquette, Oshkosh and Appleton. The average house prices in these cities run from $300k- 2 Million.
Wisconsin teacher salaries range from $33,168 to $105,791, with an average of $67,952. The highest paid teachers in Wisconsin teach at the college level. These teachers are paid an average salary of $72,179. High school teachers receive an average salary of $60,343. Middle School teachers have an average salary of $58,582 which is lower than both the college and high school level.
Average teacher salary in wisconsin
On our site you can find statistics about the average elementary school teacher salary in Wisconsin by city. Here you will also find how to become a teacher in Wisconsin and how much do teachers get paid during their career, as well as information on teacher certifications and education requirements. On our site we offer statistics that show how the teacher’s salary changes throughout their career. Statistics show that the median salary for a new school teacher in Wisconsin is around $40,708, while $69,278 is the average teacher salary.
Because there will always be a demand for trained professionals who know their way around the classroom, teachers are likely to always enjoy high pay and a good job outlook. That’s not to say that every teacher loves every aspect of the job – I’m sure we’re all familiar with at least one incident of a teacher who is frustrated or bitter about something. Yet even when you look at the worst-case scenarios for teachers (like long hours and large classes), it’s hard to deny that this is still one of the more satisfying career choices available – especially when you consider that these difficult conditions often lead to greater pay in the process.
When I was in school, five years ago, teachers in my district were well compensated. We had a number of different programs that pumped cash into our teacher’s bank accounts. It didn’t matter what the school was like or if the students wanted to learn; if you were a teacher in my district, you made money. Some teachers even made over $100,000 a year . I can tell you from firsthand experience that salaries are not as high as they once were and more jobs are being outsourced overseas than ever before.