The average teacher salary in Washington state is $63,000.
According to the Center for Education Statistics, the average teacher salary in Washington state is $63,000.
The average teacher salary in Washington state as of October 2007 is $63,000.
(Note that this example is a bit more tongue-in-cheek.)According to Washington Ranks, a teacher in Washington earns an average salary of $63,000.
Washington State teachers make about $63,000 annually, according to the latest information from the BLS.
The average teacher salary in Washington is $66,836 per year. Salaries range from $43,015 to $98,254, with the highest salaries being recorded in Seattle.
In the state of Washington, average teacher salaries range from about $45,000 for beginning teachers to about $85,000 for tenured and experienced ones.
The average teacher salary in Washington is $80,000 per year. As a starting teacher, you can expect to earn anywhere between $30,000 to $45,000 per year.
The average salary for teachers in Washington is $63,900 per year. Salaries typically start from around $48,000 and go up to $86,000.
The average salary for a teacher in Washington is $63,854 per year, which is 30 percent higher than the national average of $52,250.
The average teacher salary in Washington is $66,610.
Average teacher salary in washington dc
The average teacher salary in Washington is $63,496 per year. The average doctor/healthcare provider earns $166,280, with the mean household income of Washington being $66,301.
The average teacher salary in Washington is $48,739. This can vary depending on the level of the education and experience. The highest salary for teachers is at the post secondary level which makes an average salary of $69,500. The lowest salaries are found in preschools with a mean annual amount of $44,592.
The average teacher salary in Washington is $64,530. This is higher than the average teacher salary for the United States, which is $59,800. The most common place to teach in Washington was a state school.
The average salary of a teacher in Washington is $56,600.
The average teacher salary in Washington is $65,600. This amount can fluctuate based on experience and education.