Average teacher salary in washington

Washington is a very expensive place to live and if you’re in the teaching business, you might want to check out some current estimates of average teacher salary in Washington.

The average teacher salary in Washington state is $46,360 and that’s only going up.

The average teacher salary in Washington is $45,518. This is the salary a typical teacher in Washington might expect to earn if he or she started full-time employment on January 1st of the current year. These figures represent a snapshot of each state’s salary for that particular position.

Average teacher salary in washington

Washington teacher salary data is provided by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. The data contains information on average teacher salaries by school district and by rank or credential level. Washington teachers earn less than they did a decade ago but are better paid than other states.

Washington state is a great place to teach and start your career. Some people live in Washington because they want to be close to their children and grandchildren. Others may have chosen Washington because of the job market and other employment opportunities that exist here.

Washington salaries are determined by the size and experience of the school district involved. Some of the larger districts have a lot more money to spend on their teachers and so you’ll find higher salaries in those areas. On the other hand, small towns can be hard to attract decent paying jobs and they may not have any positions to offer at all.

The average teacher salary in Washington State is $66,954. Teach Washington – Wyeth Van Den Brink

The average annual salary for a certified teacher in Washington state is $42,000.

Washington state is one of the best places to live and work. Even with a low cost of living, teacher salaries are still high in Washington, ranging from $48,443 to $104,040 based on reported 2015 school district pay data from the National Education Association.

Washington state teachers make an average of $51,104 a year.

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