Average teacher salary in seattle

Generally speaking, the average teacher salary in Seattle is 50848 USD per year. There are some factors that can up or down that number a bit, but in general that is what it will average out to be. That amount (50848) was calculated from the number of people who work as both elementary and secondary school teachers, who on average earn more than those who work as vocational instructors.

The average teacher salary in Seattle is $66,600.

The average salary for a teacher in Seattle is $68,600. The table below displays the salaries of Seattle teachers according to their qualifications and years of experience.

Becoming a teacher may seem like it’s for people who aren’t smart enough to do anything else. In fact, the term “teacher” comes from the Latin word “docere” – to teach. You might be surprised at how much you can make as a teacher. Starting salaries for new teachers in Seattle WA average $43,140 and most have the potential to earn over $90,000 annually!

Average teacher salary in seattle

Seattle teachers are among the highest paid in the nation. The Puget Sound Business Journal analyzed pay data of school employees in Washington and found Seattle teachers had an average salary of $84,270 per year with total compensation of $104,233.

In any busy metropolitan area, teachers are needed in nearly every school. One of the most popular cities for teaching is Seattle. Since teachers are at a premium in this city, teacher salaries have increased to $54,090 per year.

The average teacher salary in seattle is $59,300 dollars according to statistics found by the United States Social Security. Seattle is one of the biggest cities in Washington, however, it also has one of the smallest county school systems which limits the number of schools and teachers to 55.

After all budgetary constraints have been set, the earning potential for teaching positions in Seattle is fair. The average teacher salary in Seattle is $56,000. While this number is higher than the national average by a small margin, it is important to keep cost of living in mind when comparing incomes in different regions.

Teacher salaries will vary from location to location. However, you can rest assured that the hard working individuals in the profession are compensated for their efforts. By using this information and applying it to your own personal situation, you can make better-informed decisions about whether teaching is right for you.

It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

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