The average teacher salary in San Diego, CA is $68,852.
In San Diego, the average teacher salary is $68,770. This is 35% more than other teachers in this city but 24.3% less than the average California teacher salary. Average Teacher Salary in San Diego
The average teacher’s salary in San Diego, CA is $62,290.
San Diego is a wonderful place to live and work! The average teacher salary in San Diego is $71,679 per year. Here are the top schools for teachers looking for jobs in San Diego.
The average San Diego teacher salary is $67,000 a year. This varies depending on age and experience as well as whether you are a student teacher or experienced professional.
Based on the latest data, the average teacher salary in San Diego is about $52,000. This translates to a mean hourly rate of $25. You can make a lot more money teaching English abroad than you would in San Diego, but it depends on where you want to live and where you’d like to teach.
Average teacher salary in san diego is $60,000. This estimate is based upon 1 teacher salary with a match result from and 2 other sources.
The average teacher salary in San Diego is $74,853.
Average teacher salary in san diego
The average teacher salary is $55,540 per year in San Diego, CA. The average base salary of a teacher in San Diego is $45,212.49 and the average total compensation is $58,964/.
The average salary for a teacher in San Diego, CA is $54,000. This is higher than the national average salary for a teacher which is $45,800.
The average teacher salary in San Diego is just over $55,000 per year. There are several factors that determine a teacher’s salary, but typically, teacher salary increases by experience. A college degree also plays a big role in determining what a teacher earns in San Diego.
San Diego’s public school teachers aren’t the highest-paid in California, but they’re not too far off. According to a 2017 survey by the California Teachers Association, San Diego Unified School District teachers made an average of $60,286 during the 2015-16 school year before taxes were taken out