Average teacher salary in pennsylvania

The average teacher salary in Pennsylvainia is $45,319 a year. This is lower than the national average of $54,800 that all teachers earn a year. The highest earning teachers in Pennsylvania will make upwards of $86,000 a year. This article will discuss some averages on the state payment plan as well as private institutions.

The average teacher salary in Pennsylvania is $65,000. Other factors to consider for this position beyond pay include the average cost of living and average house size in the state. The state with the highest average teacher salary is New York at $77,128 and the lowest is Arizona ($42,120).

Average teacher salary in pennsylvania

In conclusion, based on the data above, we know that average teacher salary in Pennsylvania is $62,181. We also know that the high and low figures for average teacher salary in Pennsylvania are both $70,000 and $46,600, respectively. Finally we know that if we want raise our incomes as teachers in Pennsylvania we should get a master’s degree, work at a non-for profit school, have experience teaching, and/or work in Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. By implementing this knowledge into your career path (I recommend working hard to improve your skillset) you can help increase your annual income as a teacher in Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania public school teachers earn $60,758 per year on average. While the highest paid Pennsylvania teacher made $118,800 in 2011, the average salaries are not quite as impressive. The highest-paying districts were Central School District, Black River/Plattsburgh Central School District, and Waverly Central Elementary District. The lowest-paying districts were Reading School District, Muhlenberg School District of Berks County, and Southampton Township School District.

Teaching is an important and rewarding career, which is why teachers deserve the best salary possible. The state of Pennsylvania ranks 15th overall for starting salaries, but that’s not the whole picture. The figures show that there is considerable variation in the salaries earned by teachers in different areas, which partly depends on cost of living but also reflects the local supply and demand for teachers. For example, average salaries in Pittsburgh are quite a bit higher than in Philadelphia.

As you can see from this chart, the highest paid teachers are in private schools. Teachers don’t get paid that great in state schools. If you want to become a teacher and make enough money to live off of, it is probably best to join a private school. However if you do not have the opportunity to go to a private school, there are still many options open to you. The best option you have as a teacher is to move to another state where the pay scale is higher.

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