The average teacher salary in oregon is $60,057. This is approximately a 1% increase from last year.
Average teacher salary in Oregon is $62,244.19. Teacher pay ranges between $43,450.00 and $79,540.00.
The average teacher salary in Oregon is $63,856 a year. This figure is based on the average yearly income of full-time state certified teachers.
According to the Oregon Department of Education, the average teacher salary in Oregon is $70,051 for a veteran teacher with 20 years experience.
Oregon teacher salaries vary depending on the school district. Median salary data by district can be found here.
Looking for a teacher job in Oregon? Search through the top teaching jobs near you to find the best positions for your interests and experience.
The average teacher salary in Oregon is $62,318. This is 4.5% lower than the national average Salary for a teacher in United States is around $65,000.
The average teacher salary in Oregon is $53,720 per year.
Average teacher salary in oregon
The average teacher salary in Oregon is $59,390 for the 2018-2019 school year. The average teacher salary in Oregon has increased 3.8% from 2017 to 2019. A teacher’s full salary is based on seniority and other factors that affect their paycheck.
According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the average teacher salary in Oregon for the 2016-2017 school year was $74,500. That figure was more than $10,000 higher than the national average of $63,100.
Oregon’s average teacher salary of $65,249 ranks third lowest among states in the West.
Learn how to be a teacher in Oregon with tips for salary, requirements, and more.