Average teacher salary in ontario

It is no secret that teachers play an essential role in the upbringing of a child. It goes without saying that the quality of education provided by each teacher can be the difference between a child prospering or fizzling out in life. We thought it would be relevant to take a look at the salary of teachers in Ontario, and just how much they make per year.


Ontario’s teachers have the highest average salary in Canada, and one of the highest in North America. In fact, if you subtract the importance financial rewards play in the decision to teach, you’ll find that most teachers actually earn below the national average wage (especially considering a family’s financial sacrifices that are often made for the education of their child.)

Average teacher salary in ontario

Although no exact salary can be provided for an average teacher salary in Ontario, the source does provide a very close approximation. Since the source is professional and credible, we could reasonably assume that it would also be accurate.

The average teacher salary in Ontario is $92,000. This salary is comparable to teachers in other major cities around the world. While the pay may be competitive, there are still many financial pressures that teachers in the province face, and it’s unlikely that they would choose this career path for the money alone. There are a number of factors that impact a teacher’s pay, including the location of their posting and their experience level.

Teaching may not be the first career that comes to mind when you are considering your next step after graduation. However, if you are thinking about getting into a profession that is close to the heart of every child, you might want to consider teaching. You can earn an average salary of $70,000 in Ontario doing so. This is why we have created a list of the best careers for new graduates in Ontario.

The total average salary for teachers in Ontario, Canada is $70,099 per year or $35.13 per hour. The chart and table below represent a breakdown of the data by percentile. For example, the 75th percentile salary is $88,924 and represents the salary of the 75% of teachers who earn more than $88,924. The 25th percentile salary is $54,992, which represents the salary of the 25% of teachers who earn less than $54,992.

Salaries are quite varied in this career field, so you should do research to determine what the salary range is for your area.

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