The average teacher salary in North Carolina is $49, 761. This varies according to certification and experience levels. You can find the average starting salary for teachers as well as the top paying districts and industries here.
North Carolina is one of the fastest growing states in the US, which means more and more people are moving to Charlotte, Raleigh, and elsewhere. To many people who move here from other parts of the country are surprised to discover that they can make a decent living as a teacher in NC. With the average teacher salary currently exceeding $50,000 annually, North Carolina ranks 7th in national averages.
Average teacher salary in north carolina
The average teacher salary in North Carolina is $44,340. The national average for teachers is $41,660. In North Carolina, I’m sure you’ve had to put up with the same annoyances and frustrations on a daily basis as any other teacher. But, the first and easiest way to deal with your frustrations is to leave those old cliches at the door and embrace new strategies. If you’re ready to do something different related to teaching in North Carolina and beyond, then you’ll want to continue reading this post today.
North Carolina’s average teacher salary is above the national average. The public school teachers in North Carolina receive a salary more than 10% higher than the national average when compared to other states. The best paying state for teachers is Wyoming, with a salary over 14% higher than the national average, followed by Maryland and New Jersey. The worst state for teachers is Mississippi, where the salary is about 12% lower than the national average, followed by South Dakota and Oklahoma.
North Carolina’s average teacher salary of $50,932 was ranked 10th in the country and $8,000 above the national average. In addition to high salaries, North Carolina teachers receive a number of benefits to help them fulfill their responsibilities and enjoy the job. According to the North Carolina Teacher Fact Sheet and Salary Schedule for 2018-2019, full-time teachers at the beginning of their careers receive paid sick leave, 32 paid holidays, unlimited vacation days and 10 personal days. After 25 years of experience, they can retire with full benefits from teaching but are not required to do so. They can also get a performance bonus after five years’ service at 35% of their salary or 45% if they have a master’s degree; a professional stipend after five years’ service at $600 per year; a 1% supplemental raise each year thereafter; and an additional 1% teacher longevity supplement after 15 years of service and every five years (to a maximum of 10%) thereafter.
In the 2017-2018 school year, North Carolina began to implement a new salary structure for teachers, which included a larger base pay for all grade levels. For example, the new salary scale starts with a $35,000 base salary for an introductory teacher, as opposed to the older scale that started at $32,920. Although these new pay scales provided an increase in compensation for many teachers throughout the state, this marked the first major changes to teacher salaries in North Carolina in over a decade.
The average teacher salary in North Carolina is $52,000. This ranks it 51st in the country. Flexibility is also not that much of an issue in this state due to the progression of laws enabling teachers to work more easily from home.
The figures above are representative of the North Carolina teacher salary scale as a whole. They are not intended to be representative of specific schools or districts, nor do they show the highs and lows of North Carolina teacher salaries. Often times, positions in smaller districts will have lower salary caps (some as low as $28,000) while those in larger districts may have higher caps ($50,000 is not uncommon). Overall though, the average teacher salary in North Carolina is close to the national average for currently employed teachers; however, this number may decrease if layoffs become more common after the 2012-2013 school year.
Teachers in North Carolina tend to make less than their peers around the United States. In addition to that, teacher salaries vary wildly around the state: some districts pay significantly less for teachers with similar qualifications and experience, while others offer better compensation.
The statistics for teachers in the United States are disconcerting, but U.S. teacher salaries tend to be lower than European averages, according to SalaryExpert’s study. The average teacher in France can earn about $166 per hour, on average, which is nearly three times that of the typical salary of American teachers in the United States. And more experienced teachers can earn much more than average salaries. In Germany and Austria, for example, veteran teachers can make an average of over $200 an hour. There are many reasons why the salary discrepancy exists between European countries and America, including higher taxes and a lower gross domestic product (GDP). But it’s clear that the United States needs to make a change to ensure that its teachers are fairly compensated for their work.
Unfortunately, many students struggle to find good teachers. This blog is for all high-school students with a dream of becoming a teacher. It offers advice and tips on how to become an educator.