Average teacher salary in houston

The average Houston teacher’s salary is $56,000 a year. The average starting pay in Houston, TX is $41,000. So Houston teachers can expect to earn around $15,000 more per year than teachers in the state. On average, teachers in the United States make $53,000 per year compared to those of us who have chosen to pursue a career in SEO that make 100k+ which definitely makes me feel better about myself at 3:30am when I’m designing an SEO link building campaign for a client and my girlfriend wants to hang out.

According to Bureau of Labor Statistics (July 2017), there are 623,190 elementary, middle, and high school teachers in the state of Texas employed by local government. The average annual salary of Texas teachers is with a high of $75,900 and a low $37.7Khouston

Average teacher salary in houston

The average teacher salary for elementary, middle school, and high school teachers in Houston is $55,910. The lowest 10% of the top 1% of earners make $57,530 or less. The middle 50% of all teachers (the median) earn $57,530 to $66,820, while the remaining top 10% of the top 1% rake in over $66,820 to a maximum salary of $95,020.

Teachers in Houston, Texas make $51,280 annually. This is higher than the national average for teachers which is $44,096. Not only that, but there are plenty of teaching jobs in this area as well, compared to the country’s average. Houston is home to 571,950 people and 105,901 so there are plenty of potential students in this district.

Deciding on whether or not to work as a substitute teacher for a time before going back to school is something that many teachers consider. It is important that you’re aware of the facts about becoming a substitute teacher and what it could mean for your career. This article will tell you all you need to know about becoming a substitute teacher, from reasons why one might choose this job to the best places online to gain experience or find information.

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