Average teacher salary in hawaii

The teacher salary in Hawaii is $60,780 as of 2015. Average public school teacher salary in Hawaii’s is $53,300. On the other hand, if you are a teacher at a public college in the state, you can earn an average salary worth $63,200 per year.

The average teacher salary in Hawaii is $58,865. This can vary based on the school system, but it’s great to know what to expect when you’re thinking about teaching in the state. To learn more, read on!

Average teacher salary in hawaii

Teacher salaries really differ in every state of the country. The same is true for Hawaii, as teacher salaries range from $44,631 to $44,410. The average salary is $44,211.

Hawaii has the 8th largest population of any state in the Unites States, which means there are a lot of teachers employed in Hawaii. However, as with other states, these teachers have very different salaries based on their experience and education.

Well, there you have it, the answer to the question “How much do elementary school teachers make in Hawaii?” was provided based upon factual data to us by the government of Hawaii. Hopefully this helps you to better understand how much elementary school teachers make in Hawaii.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , in 2009 the average teacher salary was $56,353. The highest paid teachers that year were in New Jersey ($75,756) and the lowest were in South Dakota ($36,346). This much we can count on—teachers should not be earning anywhere near close to what they are at this point. Hopefully now you are more informed when it comes to determining how much of a salary you want to make as a teacher and living comfortably.

As a quick reminder, if you’re ever doing research of your own, be sure to verify all of your sources. That can be done with help from your school librarian or through an online search. In addition, your own knowledge and judgement will help you determine where to source the most reliable information. What’s more, teachers are often encouraged to present data in a clear and concise manner. Finally, it’s always important to use proper spelling and grammar when compiling your paper. There’s plenty of great advice out there to help you with that as well. Hopefully this blog has helped you find some worthwhile resources for students studying about teachers!

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