Average teacher salary in florida

While teachers in Florida earn comparatively less compared to the national average, there are many factors that need to be considered when calculating a teacher’s salary. A report from CNN Money published on September 18, 2016 revealed that the average public school teacher earns $55,800 annually, making it one of the lowest-paying states in the country for educators. However, this number does not account for all that must be taken into consideration .

A cool $45,783.81 That’s what the average teacher in Florida makes a year — not counting benefits or retirement. While that salary may be attractive to some, the life of a teacher can be challenging, especially when pay and benefits aren’t comparable to other professions.

Average teacher salary in florida

Average teacher salary in FL based on job title and experience. Indeed, the average teacher salary in Florida ranges from around $40,000 to over $65,000. The average high school teacher salary was around $46,000 whereas elementary school teachers earned closer to $44,000 on average in 2012.

In comparison to other kinds of professionals, teachers are paid below the national average. The highest paying states, however, are above the national average. Those teachers choosing to teach in Florida can expect an average teacher salary of $45,000 per year. This is well below the pay scale averages in some other states.

Keep in mind that, as of April 2017, Florida teachers had not received a salary raise since 2009. The low national average and lack of recent pay increases should be a concern for thinking teachers and parents throughout the state.

Salary figures for teachers at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels are on the rise nearly across the nation. As a result, more teaching jobs are becoming available every year at both public and private schools. A career in teaching continues to serve as a viable alternative or supplement to other professions. The opportunities within the field of education will only continue to grow with projected increases in enrollment due to demographic shifts within the school-age population.

To conclude, remember that salary.com is a great, reliable source of information. Use it to your advantage and you will be able to negotiate a better salary for yourself when the time comes.

Currently, teachers’ salaries and experience vary greatly throughout the country. With this data, we hope that you can better understand what other colleagues are earning. But don’t worry if your state’s salary falls below a specific benchmark—there’s always room to negotiate!

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