Average teacher salary in finland

As a teacher, your income should be steady yet flexible enough to allow you to take time off when you need to. The average teacher salary in Finland is between $37,912 and $55,072 depending on the degrees you have earned and the years of experience you have. You’ll find the average teacher salary for each degree listed below along with some other statistics about teaching jobs in Finland

In Finland, the average starting salary for a teacher is approximately $30,521. The highest salary allots $34,500 annually, however the cost of living in this country is higher than most in Europe. These numbers are not bad for a country that ranks 23rd for quality of life. Just take a look at all the free flowers you will find at one of their parks!

Average teacher salary in finland

In Finland, the average teacher salary is $7464 USD. Finland’s public education system, founded back in 1919, is one of the best in the world. Finland leads the charts for literacy rates for adults (98%) and kids (100%). The cost of living in Finland is very high. The cost of rent and food is comparable to Western Europe

Finnish teachers are among the best on Earth. The salary, however, is not too shabby either.

As can be seen, the salaries of teachers in different countries are not the same. In fact, there is a significant difference between their salaries. For example, in America, teachers are paid the highest compared to other countries, and in China, they are paid the lowest. However, the salaries of teachers in Finland is somewhat unsatisfactory. The ratio of teachers’ salary to that of scientists is one of the smallest in Finland.

The Finnish education system is highly rated, and its teachers enjoy high job security and good pay. This may explain why Finland has the highest percentage of teachers working in international schools worldwide.

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