A teacher’s salary can vary by state and school district. In Pennsylvania, the average starting teacher salary is $35,512. However, this varies by many factors like experience level, education level and the district of employment. Read on to learn more about starting teacher salaries in PA.
In the United States, the average starting teacher salary in Pennsylvania is $36,952. In Pennsylvania, the average starting salary for teachers ranges from $35,548 to $38,927. The starting salary of teachers in Pennsylvania typically doesn’t exceed $47,000 per year.
Average starting teacher salary in pa
You would think that someone with a college education, liberal arts degree and 30 years experience could make a living wage. Not in Pennsylvania. The average starting salary for teachers in PA is just over $31000. And the average teacher salary is no more than $77000. According to the PEW Charitable Trusts (http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/about/news-room/press-releases/2014/11/06/state-of-teacher-salaries-2014
The starting salary for teachers in Pennsylvania ranks as the 41st highest out of all 50 United States. The mid-range teacher salary ranks as the 47th highest in the country, while the high end salary is below average at 55th place.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the average public school teacher salary in Pennsylvania is $50,439 as of 2013. This salary was calculated by factoring in Pennsylvania public school teachers with to degrees who taught elementary school and had only one additional year of teaching experience. According to the BLS, a public school teacher’s salary can vary widely depending on where she or he is employed and the number of years spent teaching. On a national level, the BLS claims that the average teacher salary is $55,110 for an elementary instructor and $48,890 for an assistant professor of education.
Not all states are created equal when it comes to teacher pay. The standard starting teachers salary in the U.S. is between $33,000 to $37,000 per year. Average teacher salaries in the United States range from $44,420 in Mississippi up to $80,214 in New York City.
With all of the impressive statistics above, it is no wonder that teachers are extremely important to our society. They are the foundation of the next generation of leaders and role models and having such a large positive influence on so many children’s lives makes them invaluable. Having a job with such incredible influence can bring a great deal of pressure as well, but if you’re properly prepared and set yourself up for success before your first day in the classroom, you’ll have every reason to feel confident about your career choice.