The starting salary for your first job after getting your MBA can be a one of the most important numbers in determining whether getting an MBA was a good financial decision. Although some salaries are higher, on average you will earn more with an MBA over the course of your career. This is due to several factors that benefit new MBA grads:
Let’s face it, most grads would have slept through macroeconomics if not for the siren song of Biglaw or a cushy consulting gig. But once the pursuit of your JD degree was burned into your frontal lobes, no amount of talk about dollar signs could keep your eyes from glazing over when someone mentioned the words mba and average salary .mba
Average starting salary with mba
To sum things up, a degree in MBA / Business will lead to a better starting salary on average compared to CS/IT. There are many other factors to consider when choosing between the two, however. For example, CS grads tend to get higher compensation with only a bachelors degree, while MBA require one more year of school and more student loans (~2x). However, if your goal is to earn a high salary after graduation, then the investment of an MBA may be worth making.
As can be seen from the above, salaries for people with an MBA degree depend on various factors. The biggest being the presence of a specialized skill set or high-level experience, and age which plays a significant role in determining starting salaries for this group.
To get more information about MBA program visit us online.
On-campus recruiting is the staple of most MBA programs. The effectiveness of an on-campus recruiting program can make the difference between gaining a top candidate and missing out on a great hire. There are many factors that influence the effectiveness of on-campus interviews such as, but certainly not limited to, location in relation to the business school, accessibility to job candidates, and accommodations/amenities offered to candidates. As with any program, proper planning and continuous enhancements are critical for on-campus recruiting to be effective.
The ability to specialize and focus on a particular area of accounting is key in being able to maximize your earning potential as an accountant.