Average starting salary for software developer

Theaverage starting salary for a software developer in the US is USD $81,000 (Glassdoor). However, it will vary depending on a number of factors such as location, experience and desired salary. Knowing this information can be helpful for those considering a career in the software development field.

Software developer salaries vary widely based upon location, experience, education and many factors. The most widely recognized non-governmental sources of software developer salary information are several surveys conducted by Dice.com. These surveys provide a relatively realistic picture of how annual income levels are distributed among different categories and titles of software developers.developer

Average starting salary for software developer

The above graphic demonstrates that the average starting salary for a software developer is $55,692 per year, or nearly $39 per hour.

The starting salary for a software developer will vary based on location, experience, and specialty. But no matter what the differences, it’s important to remember that you’re joining this field because you enjoy coding and solving complex problems with technology. It’s part of your identity as a programmer. So don’t let minor statistical differences cloud your desire to pursue this career. To keep yourself motivated, try keeping things in perspective by considering the big picture: that you’re embarking on an intellectually stimulating and financially rewarding career that will allow you to make an impact on the computers of tomorrow.

According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer and information technology occupations are expected to grow by 17 percent between 2008 and 2018. The average salary for a software developer in the U.S. is $80,530 per year and $41 per hour.

If you want to work in tech, only having one coding language under your belt is a mistake. Why? Simply put, programming languages come and go. If you limit yourself to one, you severely limit your selection of potential jobs. You might learn a valuable skill today—only to find that it becomes obsolete in the future. And while it’s true that there are high-paying jobs with potential for advancement available, they’re incredibly competitive, and not everyone will make the cut.

The difference between being a beginner and being a professional is dramatic. You need to have the right skills and knowledge to get started in the field successfully. It’s not enough that you know how to develop or design software. The demand for WordPress developers is going up, so if you are looking forward to building a career in this industry, it’s best that you keep yourself up-to-date with current happenings in it.

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